Achievement 3 by @sammy55 Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago
Hi fellow steemians,
I believe you are all doing well by grace. Thank you all for the support and sense of family.

Today it's a pleasure to share my Achievement 3 on Content Etiquette. In the achievement task, I will be elaborating on what plagiarism is, some common types of plagiarism, and measure to a avoid the it.


Plagiarism defined:

Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person's work, be it text or image, without any attempt to give them credit.source

The need for originality when it comes to intuition is one of the most important segment that every institution does not take lightly. As it is said, knowledge is power, and for that matter, there is the need to recognise, acknowledge and give reverence to the sources of knowledge. So that it does not seem that they are ours.

Steemit is no different, since one of the main activity or purpose of steemit is centered on rewarding steem tokens based on one's ability to be exceptional from the normal by being creative enough to addressing consents(Proof of Brain concept). On this basis, the need to be on the watch for origionality, referencing and the prove of brain concept in justifying one's content is very necessary to avoiding plagiarism.

Some common types of plagiarism.

This session will elaborate on some common types of plagiarism in other to enlighten our scope on some activities that causes plagiarism and means the to desist from them.

1. Global plagiarism:

"Global plagiarism means taking an entire work by someone else and passing it off as your own. If you get someone else to write an essay or assignment for you, or if you find a text online and submit it as your own work, you are committing plagiarism."source

In simple terms, it cautions lifting the complete work of others to present as your own . It is a very bad practice and must be avoided.

2. Paraphrasing plagiarism

With regards to this type, I will demonstrate a paraphrased content from a source by means of what paraphrasing plagiarism is.

Paraphrasing plagiarism is the most common types of plagiarism. It is when you rephrase a piece of text in your own words without giving credit to it's origion. According to the source,
"Paraphrasing itself is not plagiarism so long as you properly cite your sources." But it becomes plagiarism when you read a source and then rewrite its key points as if they were your own ideas. Also If you translate a piece of text from another language without correctly citing the original source, it is still considered plagiarism.source

The notion is that, the knowledge your paraphrased content carries is not yours and therefore, the due recognition must be credited to the right source.

3. Mosaic plagiarism

Mosaic plagiarism is when you copy phrases, passages and ideas from different sources and put them together to create a new text. This includes slightly rephrasing passages while keeping many of the same words and structure as the original. It is also known as patch work plagiarism or incremental plagiarism.source

4. Plagiarizing your own work (self-plagiarism)

Self-plagiarism means reusing work that you’ve previously submitted. Even though it’s your own work, but it’s considered dishonest to present an aspect or whole of you work as brand new when you’ve already gotten credit for the work. Except you have an explicit permission to do so. If a reworking or paraphrasing has to be done, you must cite and make the origin clear.source

5. Accidental plagiarism

"Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, or sentence structure without attribution."source

6. Citing Incorrectly

"The key to avoiding plagiarism is citing your sources. You need to correctly format your citations according to the rules of the citation procedure."source

In the case of steemit we can do so by properly applying the citation mark down in other not to fall victim of incorrect citation. And also making sure that the right source is being attached.

Measures to avoid plagiarism

depositphotos_72367081-stock-photo-stop-plagiarism-concept (1).jpg

You have to endeavour to acknowledg all your sources by giving the specific link to it. The purpose is not only to credit the source but to direct other who read your content to learn more by clicking on your reference link.
Sources can be created as such [source](the reference link)

Also copy and paste content should be in double quotation marks or must be preceded with >.

Moreover information of all sort including images must be cited. In other to be void of copywrited images in our post, the following links provide free images which can be used and cited appropriately.
~ https://unsplash.comsource

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"


 3 years ago 

Good work bro. keep it up.

 3 years ago 

Thank you bro.

Hey @sammy55, This is Aniqa Mashkoor, A greeter helper.

You have completed your achievement 3 about plagiarism. Hope so with completion of this achievement you must have gain all the knowledge about how to source and cite.


Your next task is to complete achievement 4 Achievement 4 : Applying Markdown

I encourage you to complete your achievements till 4 to be a part of NEWCOMERS SUPPORT PROGRAM which is 500SP Minnow Support Program in the Newcomers' Community.

Happy steeming :)

 3 years ago 

Alright sir. Thank you...🙏🙏

Thank you for your education bro

 3 years ago 

Much thanks sir. It's a pleasure...

 3 years ago 

Great work.
Keep on doing your best.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much my brother 🙌🙌

 3 years ago 

Hi, @sammy55,

Your post has been supported by @nattybongo from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the upvote sir...

 3 years ago 

Well done

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