Achievement 3 by @Sahmie Task : Content Etiquette // Mentored by Crytokannon

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

hello steemers, I can only hope we all are having a great time. Today, let's talk about Content etiquette, plagiarism, and how to avoid for my achievement 3.


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Etiquette as defined by Wikipedia, Etiquette is the set of conventional rules of personal behaviour in polite society, usually in the form of an ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviours that accord with the conventions and norms observed by a society, a social class, or a social group. source

In other words, these are said to be laid down rules and regulations that is set to guide the usage of or participation in something. Example is, for one to be a student, he/she has to register with a school, pay tuition, get writing materials etc.

In every groups, organisations, or places there are rules and regulations guiding them. Even so, there are rules and regulations guiding the steemit ecosystem, which includes:

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  1. Don't Post And Run.
  2. Don't Over-post.
  3. Don't Post Nudity Or Graphic Imagery Unless You Tag It With Nsfw.
  4. Don't Be A Fake, Plagiarise Or Pass Off Others' Work As Your Own.
  5. Don't Engage In Tag Spamming.
  6. Don't Re-steem Everything You See.
  7. Don't Post Unrelated Links In Comments.
  8. Don't Directly Ask For Votes.
  9. Don't Expect Reciprocal Votes.
  10. Don't Bribe People For Votes, Re-steems, Follows Or Ask Directly For Money.
  11. Don't Use The Wallet To Get Attention.
  12. Don't Ever Use @all In The Chat.
  13. Don't Direct Message People You Don't Know In The Chat.
  14. Don't Flag Content Just Because You Disagree Or Don't Like It.
  15. Don't Be A Stalker Or A Troll.
  16. Keep The Adolescent Remarks To Yourself.
  17. Don't Be A Drama Queen.
  18. Don't Go On Witch-hunts.
  19. Don't Make It Personal/Don't Make Argumentative Posts.
  20. Don't Critique People's Work Unless They Have Asked You To. Source

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  1. Admit When You Are Wrong /Do Apologise.
  2. Learn to Forgive People.
  3. Take A Step Back from time to time
  4. Try to Answer Your Comments
  5. Always Help Others Out And Do Thank People
  6. Share Great Posts.
  7. Try to Check Out New Posts And Curate
  8. Always Comment When You Flag A Post And Go Back And Check It
  9. Do Provide Verification
  10. Always Read The Rules For The Chat Channel You Are Posting In. Source


Plagiarism is the inappropriate use of another person's work, be it text, idea, image or video, without any attempt to give the real owner credit or acknowledgement making it appear/look like its your own original content.
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So like with every other organisation and society at large, an on Steemit, Plagiarism is an abuse and a great offense. Sometimes it leads to case suite but here in steemit, its penalty maybe being banned from the community, Post being flagged or being downvoted. So I encourage everyone and myself to avoid plagiarism


Let's show Plagiarism the red card.
red-card.jpg image source

Here's how to do that.
A. One must be sure to give credits or acknowledge the original owners by citing all the sources of images and documents used, which were gotten from the internet or elsewhere that wasn't originally created my him/herself. So the person going through your post can get the original content by clicking the source.


Here in steemit, if the content being uploaded isn't your own work, you have to put in a citation by doing this;

  • Write source inside a bracket [] next to the uploaded item or text
  • Copy and paste the site where you have gotten this information inside a parenthesis () next to the bracket.

B. Avoid the urge to copy other people's contents and claim ownership.

C. Do well to get contents from site that offer free downloads in order not to violate copyrights.

Examples of the such site where one can get free images includes:


"I have read and understand the steemit Etiquette on the steemit community and i will do my best to embrace it."

Here is my Achievement 3 task,
Thank you for your time.

Special Thanks to

@Crytokannon for the mentorship
@steemcurator03 for always making time to curate my post
@Bright-obias for elderly support
@preye2 for being a great pal


Hey @sahmie, This is Aniqa Mashkoor, A greeter helper.

You have completed your achievement 3 about plagiarism. Hope so with completion of this achievement you must have gain all the knowledge about how to source and cite.


Your next task is to complete achievement 4 Achievement 4 : Applying Markdown

I encourage you to complete your achievements till 4 to be a part of NEWCOMERS SUPPORT PROGRAM which is 500SP Minnow Support Program in the Newcomers' Community.

Happy steeming :)

 3 years ago 

@aniqamashkoor Thank you.

 3 years ago 

@aniquamashkoor It's been 3 days, and its still hasn't been curated.

Good job.

 3 years ago 

@njaywan Thank you very much.. I really appreciate

 3 years ago 

Hi, @sahmie,

Your post has been supported by @njaywan from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Thank you

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