in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing fine, this is Rezzy here, I'm Nigerian and this would be my ACHIEVEMENT 3 Post, which would be on CONTENT ETIQUETTE and PLAGIARISM
Well, before I proceed, I'd like to Thank everyone who has been of help to me and adviced me on this Platform, much gratitude from over here🙏.


Moving on to the topic of discussion, which is Plagiarism, What is Plagiarism?; PLAGIARISM to my best understanding is the taking, copying, editing, polishing, furnishing and republishing of someones else's work to make it look as if it you were the original creator without the aim of giving the back credits to the person or organisation it was gotten from. This applies to images, written content and even future ideas the other content creator might written. SYNONYMS to Plagiarism include Piracy or being Piggy towards someones work or content.
Plagiarism is a dreadful act and perpetrators should decease from it without the intent of going back!..
Another Definition Of Plagiarism from the University of Oxford Is written and properly Cited here; “Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence“ source

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Source of Image
Licence Details of Image

Creating a post with good and original content is quite demanding but that isn't an excuse for stealing someones else's hard researched and created work.
Plagiarism is carried out to my best understanding in the following ways;
I) taking a part of text from another persons work
ii) copying or editing of someones else's work to make it look as if it is yours
iii) submission or publishing of the original authors work or ideas without giving due credits
iv) combining parts of different authors work without giving them credit respectively etc..

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Image Source
Licence Details

In order not to fall victim of practising Plagiarism unconsciously, one should try to think deeper and use his own words and imagination or better still try to be very creative! In order to be unique.
Plagiarism could happen in different forms as it could be DIRECT PLAGIARISM, which involves the taking of exact words of someones content without giving due credit or asking for permission.
MOSAIC PLAGIARISM; involves the searching of synonyms to replace the words of author in order to make it look original.
ACCIDENTAL PLAGIARISM; which involves innocently and unknowingly writing a content very similar to what has been published before by another author or content creator.
and Lastly SELF PLAGIARISM; which is funny😄, as authors tend to recopy their own work for publication.

IN Order To Cite A Work, one must get the materials or text he wants to publish that isn't his original work, then copy the link to the source page of the material, NOTE: all text gotten from another source or author must be written in Quote(“”) or be formatted using a markup which is >, it might be an image or text, then he has to cite it under or beside the text or image like this
[Source of image or text](Link to Source of Image or Text)
Then if it is an image the license details must be shown once it isn't the authors original material, and it is shown like this
[Licence details](link to license details of Image)

I hope I have been able to clearly write on what best I understand by this topic and confirm that I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.

Thanks for Clicking and Reading 🖤


 3 years ago (edited)

Please show us small about citation or how you can cited work.

 3 years ago 

I'm sorry i missed that @sarkodieeric1

Please check it now💯

You have been verified for this task and you may proceed to the next achievement task at your convenience.

Curators Rate: 1

Please continue to read and prepare from @cryptokannon Achievement tasks resources

 3 years ago 

Thanks very much sir

I'm much grateful 🙏🏽💯

Great explanation keep it up rezzy

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