Achievement 3 by @rad-austine Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

Hello friends, i am so glad to be here today regarding my achievement 3 tasks, content etiquette base on the topic plagarism, it's well simplify all words from my head.


Plagarism is the act , process or situation where by a writer, blogger, author student etc copy someone else work and pretend as if their are the original owner of the work, this can happen when such words copy is not cited to acknowledge the original author for instance, as a steemians we copy an article online without source or citation an summited the article as the owner it's simply the meaning of plagarism an it's an offense in the steemit platform.

Type of plagarism

There are various types of plagarism which are as follows:


Mosaic plagiarism

This is a form of plagarism where by a blogger or writer use a words that is similar to the original author words by just changing the author words an pretending to be theirs.

Accidental plagiarism

This is the form of plagarism where by a writer use the idea, facts, or words of one author an mistakenly use it for another author an do not cite the source where the information, facts or words of one author an mistakenly use, it for another author an do not cite the source, where the ideas, fact, or words is gotten from.

Deliberate plagiarism

Is the process of using someone work such as write up, articles, content as their own, using another author work as their own, without source reference or citation.

How to avoid plagiarism

•Use a range of source: It's advisable to read wide from various sources so as to have more information, facts ideas about a given topic, with the broad reading and understanding of any given topic i

•Use quotation marks: We should always include quotation marks, citation and source of any words information copy from online or any author

•Develop your own style of writing: We should try to read and understand a given topic then write it from own head without copying another person work.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them."

Special thanks to


Thank you all for reading my post.

Hi @rad-austine, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
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Also note that all achievement posts must be posted only once. Even if your post is not verified, you need to exercise patience and be sure to tag a greeter to verify you

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Task rate:2

Hello dear, we are sorry we missed this Achievement post voting window. We have given a catch up vote for this post on your active post here. Keep being active

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much ma @ngoenyi i will be more active

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