Achievement 5 Task 1 by @prolee : Review

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hello friends you're all welcome to my Achievement 5 post.

Having been in steemit for almost a year, I now understand some basics related to steemit. Which you have to showcase your knowledge about the understanding obtained from this platform through what we call Achievement post. This posts are numbered from one to six, meaning that, if you've gotten to the sixth achievement post, you then know all about this wonderful platform.



From this junction I'll kick-off my Achievement 5 post which concerns Steemworld. Every information concerning your account is situated in the

Achievement 5 - Task 1 - Knowledge about Steemworld

Using the provided information by @cryptokannon;

I would start with opening your account in Steemworld.

How to Access your account in Steemworld

• Type in "" using your browser.

• At the top right corner of the page, you'll see "sign in...", Click it, then you'll be asked of your "Steem Account Name" and "Private Posting Key".

• And after that, you'll be redirected to your account.

Areas to cover by @cryptokannon

1. Please explain how to check Reward Summary for All time, last 30 days and last 7 days for your account?

• When you access your account in Steemworld, scroll down to the place where you'll see "Rewards Summary*, click it, and there you'll see the summary of all your rewards since the day you came to the platform.


2. Please explain What is Delegations, type of Delegations and how to Delegate SP?

As demanded, Delegation is the act of giving power or authority to another person or organization for a purpose majorly to make the person high-rated or for support. This meaning totally relates with Steemit.

Delegation in Steemit is done infact everyday, so it's a no new thing. Here's how to delegate on steemit.

• When you access your dashboard, in the Steem Blockchain Tools, you'll be redirected to where you'll see "delegate", check out the screenshot below for better understanding,👇


• Enter the amount and account you wanna delegate to; for example am delegating 300SP to @cryptokannon;


• It needs confirmation;


• After which you'll be asked to confirm authentication by inserting your username and Private Active Key. And that's all, you've automatically delegated.

3. How to check Incoming and Outgoing Votes, please explain this with screenshots of both votes for your account?

• Firstly, on your account homepage, click on "Account Operations", then below it, check for where you'll see "filter". The filter are of three sections; In & Out (Both the outgoing and incoming), In (Incoming), Out (Outgoing).


4. How to check account operations for past 7 days and what all details can be checked?

• To do this, you don't need waste your time, just click on "Account Operations" on your homepage, then all the activities done in your steemit account will show up there.


5. Please explain Author, Curation and Beneficiary Rewards. Also, mention author and curation rewards for your account for past 7 days.

• Author Rewards : means the reward someone get from his post.

• Curation Rewards : is the reward one get from voting a post.

• Beneficiary Rewards : is the reward gotten from a post by another account when you're been set as a beneficiary on that post.

6. How to check your upvote value and at different voting weights using this tool?

The screenshot below explains better, at my 100%, my voting value is $0.01..😂 poor, but I know I'll grow, as far as I steem on.


So with the above limited proof of my knowledge using Steemworld, I can say am good to go in steemit.

Big thanks for going through..😊😊..See y'all in my Task 2.

Regards to myself, @prolee.


 3 years ago 

Hi @prolee this is @arrowgate from greeters team. I am happily announcing that you have successfully completed your this achievement.
Now I'll suggest you to complete your next achievement task given by @cryptokannon.
Curators Rate 3
If you have any other questions you can also contact me on discord without any hesitation.
My Discord @arrowgate#4509

 3 years ago 

Thanks friend, no misunderstanding..😊.
If am to chat you up in discord maybe it's for better friendship...🤝

 3 years ago 

Hi, @prolee,

Your post has been supported by @heriadi from the Steem Greeter Team.

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