in Newcomers' Community3 years ago


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Good day community.i hope you are doing good. I want to use this time to complete my achievement 3 task.i will use some few questions to explain"content etiquette"plagiarism.

What is plagiarism?

Webster online dictionary define plagiarism as the means where by a person steal and or use someone's ideas or words of another author's as one's own.

Type of plagiarism

  • Mosaic plagiarism: This is when a person borrows or copy phrases/words from a source without using quotation marks.

  • Direct plagiarism: is word for word transcription of a section of someone else work without adding and without using punctuation marks.

  • Self plagiarism; occur when a person post his or her own previous work or mixes part of his previous work.

  • Accidental plagiarism: occur when a person neglect to cite the source or misquote their source.

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Consequences of plagiarism

  • It brings down votes on one's post
  • It destroy one's reputation
  • Plagiarism bring out the worst in people.
How to avoid plagiarism
  • Learn how to properly cite reference.
  • Paraphrase or quote from your own sources
  • Use a plagiarism checker before you make a post.
  • Commit to doing your own work.


Everyone should abstain from plagiarism because it is a bad act. And I will try my best to avoid plagiarism. Be creative.
Special thanks to: @ngoenyi @ubahjolly and @benton3


Hi @princeifeko, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

task rate:3

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