Achievement 3 ||Content Etiquette by @pixie.dust

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians👋

Hope you're all doing good. After successfully completing my achievement 2 task I'm here again for the completion of my achievement task 3 which is about Plagarism and Content Etiquette.


What is Plagarism?

We all must have heard a very common definition of plagarism that it means to copy another person's ideas, expressions and information (either in a text form or image) and present it as your own but it is far more illegal than just copying, it is stealing others' works and presenting it as your own.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.tract." Source


Following are few of the main types of plagarism:

Direct Plagiarism:

It means to copy someone else's work word to word without the use of questions or mark-up and pretending it to be yours.


In this type of plagarism the content from one's own previous work is used without the permission of the professor or the supervisor. The content used is the one that was used in a previous research or studies with the help of a supervisor.

Accidental Plagiarism:

This is the type of plagarism where a person unintentionally copies someone else's work by not properly following the rules by using quotes, citation or properly paraphrasing.

Mosaic Plagarism:

In this type of plagarism the person tries to alter the content or work of someone else by the use of synonyms and presents it as his own.

Few Methods to avoid plagiarism include:

Use of quotations or > markup
whenever the text is copied from another source it's necessary to write it in quotes or use a markup before it to show that it is not yours.


Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics.

In the above sentence a markeup > is used before the sentence because this text is taken from the internet and is not self created.


Always cite the source from where the content is taken from by providing the link and applying the markup for citation.



Image Source

The image is copied from the internet and it's source is cited.

Paraphrase in your own words:

Instead of copy pasting another person's work it's better to learn few important points from there and then paraphrase it in your own words with proper citation of the resources.


One thing that I've learned so far about steemit is that it has always encouraged it's users to share quality and original content. It has very strict policies regarding plagarism and it can ruin your reputation here and can even cost you a downvote so it's better to use your own original quality content rather than stealing someone else's.

" I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

Thank you for reading :)



Congratulations, your Achievement 3 has been verified by Haidermehdi a member of Newcomers Greeters Team

Curators Note: 3

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much

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