Achievement 3: content etiquette (plagiarism)// mentor by @cryptokannon

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


PLAGIARISM means an act of presenting (i.e using, copy etc) someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement of the owner. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. It's can be done either online (now most frequent) or offline.


The word PLAGIARIZE was deduseed from the Latin word PLAGIARIUS which means “kidnapper.” The Latin word plaga extended its meaning in Latin to include a person who stole the words instead of children etc. However, when it was introduced to english speakers, PLAGIARY was first used.


There are many types of plagiarism but I'll mention and explain two only.
Paraphrasing plagiarsm: This is an act of altering words but retaining the same sentence structure used by the original author.

Patchwork Paraphrasing plagiarism:This is same as paraphrasing plagiarism except that it involves copying words and ideas from different sources and patching them together.


Plagiarism makes one's thinking capacity dull as the person will keep depending on others for idea.
Plagiarism can lead to court fines ranging from any amount for each work infringed, plus attorney fees and court costs. Plagiarism can lead to imprisonment for up to five years.
In STEEMIT, plagiarism can lead to DOWN VOTING and many other severe penalties.

How to avoid plagiarism
Avoiding plagiarism can be achieved by always adding citations to write ups or photos that we've extract somewhere.
Method: input angle brackets [ ], put a word in between the brackets such as more, source etc then add brackets ( ) and input the web link in between.

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Lastly, I've read and understand steemit etiquette on steemit community etiquette and I plage to keep them.

 3 years ago (edited)


You have passed Achievement 3 on Content Etiquette. Understanding the concept of Plagiarism is very important on the steemit platform.

Rating: 2

Please edit achievement 2 and get ready for the next task on Achievement 4: Applying Markdowns Link You expected to use some advance markdown tags using some of the given markdown templates.

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Hi sir @fombae, this guy has been verified of his achievement 2, kindly increase the rating of this achievement to 2 on your comment because I have labelled him R2 already. Thank you

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