Achievement 5 Task 4 by @pandev: Reviewing

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Charcoal and Beige Birthday Event Poster (4).png

Welcome to my achievement 5 task 4. This task deals with It helps with many things of which we are exploring today.

To view recent history, we click on accounts on the tab bar at the top.


After that, we search for the account we want to see their history of.


This then displays everything about the account and you go through to find whatever history you desire.

1.2.jpg History of @pandev

Checking Activities of an account

After we are able to go the recent history of the account you desire, to check the activity of this account, we click on Activity on tab we see this.


From there, a drop-down menu appears and we can choose the activity we want to explore.


Checking the post Activity

Checking Who reblogged your post

After choosing an account and searching for it in the search bar, click social after locating that account.


You then choose the the one you want.


1.9.jpgPeople who reblogged @pandev

Checking Voting Power

For checking voting power, we can equally check it in

But here, we go to accounts and search to find the user we are to find its voting power.


After that, you look at the top right corner to find the username of the account holder. From there, that where you find
the voting power of that particular account.


Thanks to @cryptokannon and to @yohan2on for the guidance.


You have been verified for this task and you may proceed to the next achievement task at your convenience.

Curators Rate: 2

Please continue to read and prepare from @cryptokannon Achievement tasks resources

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