Introducing Myself

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

Introducing Myself
Selamat malam semua. Hari ini izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri kepada Anda semua. Nama saya Cut Rezkya Nisa @nisa.steem Umur saya 24 tahun. Saya tinggal di Desa Blang Dalam, Kecamatan Nisam, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Indonesia. Saya memiliki hobi memasak, travelling dan lain-lain. Saya suka memasak sejak saya berusia 10 tahun. Dimana saat itu saya belajar memasak sambil membantu ibu saya di rumah. Saya juga sering menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama keluarga dan teman-teman.


Saya lulusan SMK jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan. Saat ini saya juga bekerja di sebuah usaha fotokopi di desa. Saya juga telah lama bekerja di sebuah usaha fotocopy sejak tamat Sekolah SMK. Saya bekerja mulai pukul 08:20 WIB hingga sore hari, mulai hari Sening s/d Jum'at. Saya bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari.

Saya tidak paham tentang Crypto. Mungkin kedepannya saya akan menulis postingan tentang kegiatan sehari-hari. Saya juga mencari postingan orang lain mengenai masakan, travelling dan lain sebagainya untuk panduan saya menulis. Selain itu, saya juga suka memelihara binatang di rumah seperti ayam, kuncing dan beberapa binatang lainnya.



Saya mulai mengenal Steemit dari seorang teman yaitu @munawar0 , dia memberitahukan tentang Steemit kepada saya hingga saya mendaftarkan akun hari ini.

Thank you.


Salam kenal, selamat bergabung di steemit. Terimakasih telah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 1. Semoga betah berbagi bersama disini. Silahkan melanjutkan ke tugas Achievement 2. Berikut saya kirimkan panduannya:

Panduan Achievement 2

Rate 2

Untuk bergabung di grup WhatsApp silahkan klik link berikut:


 2 years ago 

terimakasih bapak @radjasalman saya akan melanjutkan tugas kedua

 2 years ago 

Hi, @nisa.steem,

Your post has been supported by @radjasalman from the Steem Greeter Team.

Congratulations !!!

You got upvote from the Steemit Travel community.

Join the Steemit Travel community. We are here for you travelers.

We are also collaborating with @steem-database who has reached with 12 K SP to increase the value of your posts.

Share your travel stories with us.

Join Us:
Steemit Travel

"Share Your Travel and Earn Money"


We are very open to receiving delegations from anyone who wants to support the community. if you are interested in becoming a delegator for Steem-Database you can give any delegation you like :

Alternative links delegates to @hive-163291

 2 years ago 

welcome @nisa.steem

 2 years ago 

Thank you, nice to meet you and nice to meet you @m-fdo @solaymann

 2 years ago 

Welcome to steemit platform. Thank you so much for joining us.

Best of luck 👍

 2 years ago 

I'm @allahnawaz03 and on behalf of the entire steemit team I want to welcome you to steemit, a digital universe that allows you to share everything that you are passionate about and be part of a world of possibilities.

I want to invite you to join Newcomers'Community, a place where new users can officially introduce themselves and thereby meet achievement 1 and further the Lists of Achievement Tasks. Anyone is not Verified on time, you need to have patience or tag any country rep. to verify you.

It's also very important for you to join #club5050. To join the club you need to power up at least 50% of your monthly earnings. You can also join #club75 where you will power up 75% of your earnings for 2 months or #club100 where you are to power up all your earnings for 3 months.

I recommend you follow the @steemitblog account, which is the official channel of steemit, here you will find all the current information regarding the platform, contests, events, updates and others that will surely help you a lot.

I advise you that your publications have less than 300 words that allow the reader to understand the content you want to share

I don't want to say goodbye without first inviting you to the form part of the largest movement in steemit such as The DiaryGame #thediarygame.
Join the Steemit-Garden Community. I am here as MOD for you.

On behalf of the steemit team, I say goodbye wishing that all this information could be of help to you.



 2 years ago 

thank you

 2 years ago 


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