Achievement 3 by @n3ha Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody,

Welcome to my Achievement post 3 which is CONTENT ETIQUETTE. I hope all are fabulous fit and fine.
It is nice to greet you all again

In this post, I am going to share my knowledge and understanding of content etiquette but before that i just wanted to thanks steemit community for verifying my Achievement task 1 and 2.


lets start

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism means you are writing a post but in that post you have copied someone idea, language style, thoughts, expressions and you are representing someone's hardwork without giving credit to them is known as plagiarism which is a law crime.

But in steemit platform plagiarism is not acceptable you can just give low voting to plagiarized content.

There are different kinds of plagiarism in the world so here are some most common plagiarism

Direct plagiarism - when you copy someone content and without including anything for him.

Self plagiarism - when you useing your old work but you are not mentioning that in your current work.

Mosaic plagiarism - when writer reuse a mix of word phrases and ideas from a source without indicating which words anf ideas have been borrowed and/or without properly citing the source

Accidental plagiarism - is when a person neglects to cite their source or misquotes their source or unintentionally paraphrase a source by using similar words, sentences without attribution.


How to avoid Plagiarism?

  • If you are creating content but you are using someone's opinions, idea, thoughts expressions or research findings whether it is an article, or textbook, research paper we should paraphrase in your own ways by giving examples, images, etc to avoid Plagiarism.

  • You may just get the idea from other people but create on your own way

  • After you have paraphrased it, give cite and reference the original source even things that have been fully paraphrasing, and be sure to use correct reference so that no one can accuse you of stealing someone's opinion and claims

  • Read more and learn more about your content then write it your own way.

  • Try to give examples in your article its looks attractive and more clear what you are trying to explain.

  • Try rearranging ideas in a different order.

  • If there are any phrases that are identical to phrases from the original, erase that or put quotation marks around them.

  • Cite your source according to the citation style you are required to use.

  • Check your work for possible Plagiarism.

That's all my knowledge and understanding about content ETIQUETTE. I believe that this is an informative article and helpful, therefore, I do hope the support of all to make me more knowledgeable if I had missed something you can comment below.

Thank you for reading my post I hope you have got a good amount of information from this, Looking forward to posting the next achievement soon.

My best regards

 3 years ago (edited)

You have to write more about plagiarism.

 3 years ago 

Hello @tarpan
Thanks for support and advise I will definitely apply it from my next post.

Why don't you write in this post?

 3 years ago 

Okay, I will make the changes in the same post,
Once it is done kindly check and confirm

 3 years ago 

You have been upvoted by @tarpan, a greeter from STEEM POD Project and we are voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator03 account to support the newcomers coming into steemit. You may now proceed to the next achievement task.

Keep following @steemitblog for updates.

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