Achievement 3 by @msquaretk Task: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Having gone through the achievement task presentation by @cryptokannon, I have been asked to write on plagiarism which will show how I have understood the presentation on the Content Etiquette.



Plagiarism is one of a very big offense in the world of academics. This is because, the person who does it steals someone's else intellectual property.
"In the modern era with the development of science and technology we encounter with large number of sources for “information” while using such information from respective sources, some moral ethics must be taken into consideration; works created by other people is rightfully their intellectual property and if we use that work we are bound to acknowledge that. " Source

"The word “plagiarism” is derived from the Latin term “plagiare” This means to kidnap or abduct. " Source

"Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. " Source

Cambridge Dictionary defines plagiarism as "the process or practice of using another person's ideas or work and pretending that it is your own: " Source

During my first degree, I realized that there are just one kind of student when it comes to success. Every students wants to succeed and nobody wants to fail. But when it comes to work, there are many kind of students. There are students who work very hard to succeed and there are those who don't want to work and want to succeed.
So, I believe the number one reason why people plagiarize is because of laziness.
Also, people plagiarize because they are not patient enough to go through the process. They want quick result and think shortcut is a way of getting one.
Another reason people plagiarize is lack of information. When they can't get enough information to back up their ideas and thought, they copy someone's else idea.
According to writing three on qoura, he said: "The very first and strong reason is, lack of information. If someone have a topic and basically he is not aware about the content he will try to check others content. " Source

Plagiarism can be avoided. You can avoid plagiarism when you plan your content. When you write, be real. Make sure you write what is yours and in case where you write what people have done or said, make sure you use proper citation.
"This is perhaps the commonest way to stay off the plagiarism route. Quoting acknowledges the original writer of the content. While quoting, ensure you pick out phrases and sentences exactly as they are especially because no one wants to be misquoted or have their information misrepresented. " Source

When you do that, you will not fall victim of plagiarism.

When one's work is written well by giving citation to whom is due, it makes one's work professional. There is always a prestige that comes when you know you have done your task well and you have not committed any crime.
Content free of plagiarism receives more reputation.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.

These links are the links of my previous achievement posts:

Achievement 1:

Achievement 2:

Written by @msquaretk

 3 years ago 

Job well-done

 3 years ago 

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.

Please put quotes on this sentence as you have copied it from sone else.

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