achievement 3 @moodswings: content etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago
Hello friends! Welcome to my blog! I hope everyone is very well! Thankful to the moderators forverifying my previous achievement and for the guidelines he gave me to execute my achievement 03. This achievement deals with a very important topic for us content creators. The main issue is to understand that plagiarizing someone else's idea is a crime. Without further ado, let's get started!

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Investigating a bit I came across this concept that I express below:

** What is plagiarism? **

"The term plagiarism is defined in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy as the action of« substantially copying other people's works, giving them as one's own. »From the legal point of view it is a infringement of copyright on an artistic or intellectual work of any kind, which is incurred when a foreign work is presented as its own or original. "


Now, plagiarism is when we take an idea from another person and do not recognize it as the original author. If you take a phrase from an author or an image from an artist and omit the source, we become criminals so to speak because we would be violating intellectual property law.

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"Plagiarism is committed:

- "When using the words of another without indicating it in the form of a citation in the text or citing the source in the list of bibliographic references.
- By presenting the original ideas of another, in a modified way, without citing the source.
- Al falsificar las palabras o las ideas otros.
- By misquoting a source of information.
- By pretending to be the owner of someone else's work. "


Simply, you can recognize an act of plagiarism when you do not quote the source of a work verbatim, when you modify or edit the creations of others without recognizing the author, believing you are the owner of an idea that does not it's yours. There are many more things that can be considered plagiarism, so the right thing to do is to let our imagination and creativity fly and start creating new and impactful things.

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Types of Plagiarism:

1.- "Deliberate plagiarism is the most common type of plagiarism as it is the act of trying to convince that another author's work is yours. An alternative definition of deliberate plagiarism is the process of intentionally lying to academic tutors by submitting others' work as your own. "

2.- "Paraphrasing: Another common type of plagiarism, which occurs in the academic world, is the act of paraphrasing. This type is the act of altering some words but keeping the same structure of the sentence created by the original author. The student assumes that changing a few words would mislead his tutor and would not realize the plagiarism committed. "

3.- "Formulation of Sources This type of plagiarism has limited visibility and is therefore more difficult to detect. This is because the list of sources has been written precisely by the student, however, they have not been able to critically analyze the content of the texts and produce a work which is honestly theirs. "

4.- Mosaic plagiarism refers to the process where a student uses synonyms to replace the words of other authors. Typically, this act of plagiarism implies that the student retains the author's central idea and argument and simply replaces a few words to make it appear as if he wrote it. "

5.- Accidental plagiarism often occurs when a student mistakes one author's vision for another's and forgets to cite sources. "


There are many types of plagiarism but I gave myself the task of mentioning the ones that stand out the most. We must be very careful when creating content and we have to use sources from other authors. We must be as honest as possible with ourselves. I believe that we all have talents, abilities, we have an intelligence that comes from heaven, we should not limit ourselves because we have the ability to create original and quality content. We set the limit ourselves!

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Plagiarism is not necessary when you have a brilliant mind capable of creating amazing things. If those authors can create wonderful things, then you can too. Always be original and don't imitate someone else's content.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Tag in the Steemit Community and will do my best to adopt it".

Thanks for reading to the end! God bless you! I hope that my post has contributed to you and has been to your liking. We will read in the next post! @moodswings

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Hi @moodswings, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
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Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Task rate:3

 3 years ago 

Hi, @moodswings,

Your post has been supported by @wilmer1988 from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

que bueno que te hayan verificado tu logro 3 amigo, quisiera saber porque aun no verifican el mio

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