Acheivement3 post by @marvintochi001 Topic: Content ETIQUETTE

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

images (7).jpeg

An act of stealing other people's work either written , ideas , thoughts or images without giving proper credit to the main owner is termed Plagiarism. Such act are punishable by law , the offender can be sued for theft , reprimanded by authorities or the owner , tagged an impostor or assaulted because credit wasn't given to the main source of the copied information.
Plagiarism can be done , either knowingly or unknowingly but either way, such act is an offence . There are various ways by which one can plagraize and they include thus :

  • Picking a sentence from another person's work
  • Rephrasing someone else's idea or thought without their notice
  • Copying a paragraph or complete work with quoting it to show it's not yours
  • Presenting a hard or soft copy of an author's work as your own .

Types of plagiarism

We would discuss just few types of Plagiarism and they include:

Unintentional Plagiarism
Deliberate Plagiarism
Patch Plagiarism

unintentional plagiarism :

As the name implies , it's a type of Plagiarism where few words are used from another author unknowingly . This type of Plagiarism is also consequential as other types of Plagiarism .

Deliberate Plagiarism:

In this type of Plagiarism , it's obvious that the user stole the direct words, image or ideas of an author without crediting the source.

Patch Plagiarism:

This type of Plagiarism are been done by pro's . They rephrase the work of other's by rearranging the words , but at the end , it all drives down to been a copied work (idea).

Self Plagiarism:

A situation where one is using words or sentences from his or her intially written book , either personally or jointly written without citing the words from the Initial book . Such act is punishable by law against one's self.

How to avoid Plagiarizing

There are not too detailed analysis on avoiding Plagarism other than ;

  • Proper credting of copied or borrowed works by adding links to the source of the work .
  • Citation is Paramount and should be properly done to avoid being tagged theft.
  • The use of Plagiarism checkers should be incorporated in writers to avoid unintentional plagiarism which is also punishable as a Deliberate Plagarism.

citing a reference

A reference can be a sentence , paragraph or part of another person's work . When a reference is to be made is always ascertained that it is placed in quote "" , showing it's a piece of another person's work , thereby giving credit to the owner and avoiding Plagiarism .on steemit, citation can be made using the symbol ( > ), then a space ; here is an example below :

Why do we, as Steemit users, need to cite our sources?
To produce and share quality posts with original content. Plagiarised and copy/pasted material, including images, is not original content. Source

When a image is to be sourced , the image is added . Then the symbols [source](link from the browser where the photo was copied from) are used thus .

Thanks for reading


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 3 years ago 

Hi, @marvintochi001,

Your post has been supported by @heriadi from the Steem Greeter Team.

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