Achievement 5 Task 2 by @m-fdo : Review

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

we will analyze the platform lataforma that serves to convert our steem to other cryptocurrencies we can verify the live price of steem look for information about operations in our account and many more things.

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What is the current price of Steem today?

today Wednesday the price of steem is in per unit its price fluctuates constantly and changes constantly.


What is the volume of Steem?

reviewing the volume currently that is in


What do we see in Latest Transactions?

in the last transactions we will see the operations of our account from transfers, the votes, the rewards, the delegations, these are in boxed by block ID, Sender, Receiver ID timestamp, Type, Quantity.


What do we see in the last block section?

We will find user IDs and transfers on the blockchain here the steem blockchain is constantly changing.


that we can see in the Witnesses menu:

to see this information let's go to the box of witnesses these witnesses play a fundamental role within the steemit platform, these are divided into ranks and we can give them a vote of support for their hard work within the platform, to vote for one of them, i will explain them below:

voting for a witness: step 1 choose the witness who will receive our vote, step we select right where it says vote


we move to a new section called steem login here we will use our steemit username and the private key power of the vote to the witness.


What are DApps?

the dapps are applications that work based on blockchain technology these dapps are found in the dapps menu here are several that belong to the steem ecosystem, among them we will find the already used steemworld, steemscan dtube among others.


How to use the "Quick Conversion" feature

this function will allow us to convert our steem to other tokens such as TRX BITCOIN USDT we must choose which currency to convert it to, and create an order for conversion, so we will deduct a fee.


what information the "Search" function provides.


with this search engine we can use it to search for blocks of accounts, transfers, amounts, and multiple more searches, it is a tool of great help within steemscan.


little by little i have been knowing more about steemit and thanks to this platform i acquired more knowledge about the platform and the functions it offers i hope to continue in my progress of achievements and learn a little more about steemit.

 2 years ago 

Excelente explicación de este logro, amiga! muy claro!!!

felicitaciones :)

 2 years ago 

Thank You

Best regards @m-fdo I am pleased to congratulate you on the correct fulfillment of slogan 2 corresponding to Achievement 5 you can continue your development with the slogan 3 that will allow you to complete this achievement

Rate 3

It is important that you know and be part of the #club5050, for this you must maintain during each month a balance when turning on (POWER UP) no less than 50% of your withdrawals and transfers, in this way you will be contributing to the platform and you can be considered for have the support of the steemit team, learn more here

Greetings 👍

 2 years ago 

Thank You.

We're sorry 🙏that we missed the curation this achievement post, I've curated your post ( for the catch up vote
Regards @heriadi

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 66914.48
ETH 3341.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72