in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

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Plagiarism is the act of transferring someones writing, thought or ideas and taking them off as one's own.

Most students in this generation practice plagiarism due to level studing or reading their books rather sit back and align with friends to make their writings so that they can take writing from their friends.


Citation is the process of identifying a particular idea or work to show that the work or idea does not belong to you but was gotten from particular source.

Something that is or looks exactly or almost exactly like something else : a version of something that is identical or almost identical to the original
The paintings at the museum are originals, not copies. [=reproductions]



Patchwork plagiarism is a type of plagiarism whereby someone else work is simply copied exactly without using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity. It’s normally very hard to detect because the plagiarized material is interwoven with many different ideas and thought, including the writer’s own ideas and perspective.

This type of plagiarism can be done from one or many sources. The writer may try to change up the sentence structure or use synonyms to make it look original. However, taking the idea of another piece is still plagiarism, even if the words are switched up a bit and intermingled with original thought.


Paraphrasing plagiarism is one of the most basic type of plagiarism. It has close description to the mosaic or patch work plagiarism style mentioned above. Though, the distinction is that the copied work isn’t mixed in with new concept or writings. When you paraphrase the main thought stays the same throughout the new writing.


Complete plagiarism is basically found in academic writing than in or other kinds of online writing. This type of plagiarism refers to when writing all the person's entire thought or ideas into a system, book or any writing materials as their own without changing anything.

Complete plagiarism involves transferring all the written the same way it is been written down. The only thing that can be changed is the writer's name.


Self-plagiarism involve when copying your own write up exactly the same way it was been written by you. Someone who is found in self-plagiarism is reading or cramming their own writtings instead of writing a new idea or thought on the same topic.

Many people have in mind that self-plagiarism is not a cheat writing because you are not copying from another person's idea or thought. But, self-plagiarism can be so harmful as any other plagiarism.

For example, if you are writing web pages and you are found plagiarizing, you could be restricted by Google for writing the same content.


Most times plagiarism is not an intensional act. But it can also be called plagiarism when someone steals another person's writing without listing their source, improperly quote the key points. Just because the neglecting or mistaken quotation was accidental doesn’t mean that plagiarism hasn’t been committed. It is always good to check any write up and when in doubt, give your point credit.


Source is refers to where a thought or ideas is gotten from. For example, the person may have two sources of information but when one source is been used by the writer it is then called a source base plagiarism.

The worst kind of plagiarism is when sources are framed.


Direct plagiarism, also known as copy and paste plagiarism. It is very obvious that direct plagiarism is been done on purpose. Direct plagiarism is when the writer steals exactly the same writing without changing or citing any text and pasted into the new piece then tries to pass off the content as their own. One word or two might be changed, but direct plagiarism is too much to be considered paraphrasing.
Direct plagiarism is the obvious form of plagiarism. The words are exactly stole without any text citations.


Steemit is a social media that gives steemians steem according to the quantity of information and knowledge involved in a written blog or post.
As a social media, plagiarism is going to happen that is why there are tools in this media used to access and remove plagiarism from the media.


  • Avoid copy and paste work and write your own ideas or thought.

  • Stop properly citing word and form your own source from your own ideas without plagiarism

  • Always make use of quotation marks (" ") to show that such particular words or writing was gotten from someone else idea and its not yours.

  • it is very important to create your own ideas. always cite your source when using someone's ideas or language always remember to add citation.

  • It is not good because it is a form of theft


  • People may not know how to change some words in the thoughts of others and write the sources of those thoughts properly in their texts.

  • There might be many mistakes in learning how to cite others' language or writing into their own work because error is a common part of learning.

  • They may not understand how to carefully invent notes during their research.

  • People from different cultures may not know the conventions of "governing attribution and plagiarism in American colleges and universities".

  • People might be scared of failure or fear the risks of using your own thoughts in their own work.

  • Most people may have low time-management skills or they may plan poorly for the time and effort needed for research writing, and have no other option but to plagiarize.


Plagiarism is to be avoided because it is very harmful to those in the educational sector, if it will be avoided there will be harmony in learning to be great leaders of your countries.

Have it in mind that it's not difficult to avoid plagiarism.

I have write, read and understood the basic concept of Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to keep the rules and regulations guiding them.

I really appreciate you all for reading my achievement 3 post.

To the attention of @cryptokannon, @cmp2020, @bright-obias, @yohan2on, @belenguerra and @hassanabid.

Written by: @lonsbilli


Be guided about the purpose of this Achievement task. Plagiarism and Content Etiquette plays a significant role in our Steemit journey as it will define us, writers. Plagiarism is also prohibited by law, so don't forget to give proper credit and citation if the words and pictures used are not yours. For the latest updates and important announcements, don't forget to follow @steemitblog and visit the Steemit Crypto Academy for you to learn about cryptocurrency.

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