Achievement3 by @konkaar

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hello, fellow steemians,
After having completed my achievement 2 task successfully and also gone through steemit etiquette, I am here to review my achievement 3 task.




In simple terms, plagiarism is the act of using the ideas, words or graphics of another person as if they were your own ideas or words without giving credits to that person. It is normally referred to as academic theft, academic fraud, or dishonesty.


The following are acts that which when one does, make up plagiarism.

  • Failing to put borrowed ideas or words in quotation marks
  • Failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas
  • Failing to put paraphrases in one’s own words
  • Presenting an existing original work or idea of someone as new
  • Submitting someone’s work as your own


There are various forms of plagiarism, below are some of them.
Patchwork: This is where one replaces words, phrases, and ideas of original content with that of phrases and ideas from a different source while maintaining the sentence structures.
Self-plagiarism: Revisiting one’s own previous work for ideas or lifting of word and phrases without citing oneself constitute plagiarism. The fact that you own work in the past doesn’t mean you can just take concepts from it and put them into your new work, you ought to let readers know the source you got those concepts even though they are yours.
Global plagiarism: Lifting of the entire work of another person and presenting it as if you were the author of that work. This is the worst form of plagiarism hence attracts severe punishment. In this type of plagiarism, there is no acknowledgment of the author, and the plagiarist turns to claim authorship.
Paraphrasing plagiarism: This is the most common form of plagiarism especially among students. Paraphrasing is, reading someone's works to understand, then rewriting it in your own words. After this, one ought to cite the source, failing to do so, constituent paraphrasing plagiarism.


Plagiarism is academic fraud or dishonesty hence anyone caught in the act will be affected negatively. Below are some of the effects;

  • Plagiarism can lead to withdrawal of certificate if already awarded.
  • It can lead to expulsion from an institution
  • One may face legal sanctions depending on the level of plagiarism committed.
  • It may lead to awarding of failed grades or cancellation of examination




Now knowing the consequences of plagiarism above, one ought to avoid it at all cost. Below are some of the ways to avoid plagiarism

  • Identify and cite the source from which you have paraphrased, summarized, or quoted
  • Use your own words and different sentence structures when you paraphrase
  • Always put all quoted materials in quotation marks
  • Always acknowledge the author by ensuring in-text citation
  • Lastly one can use an online plagiarism checker software to crosscheck when done with your work


Citation is the act of acknowledging the source or giving credit to the author from which we borrowed words, ideas graphics. This helps tell one’s readers where some of the information in our work was gotten from. It allows readers to trace the sources and also know the depth of our research work. A piece of information nobody can claim ownership of (common knowledge) should not be cited.
Someone may ask, but why do we need to let readers know the source of our information. Below are some reasons;

  • They(may) provide background information to your work.
  • They (may)support your point of view.
  • It (may) explains(key) terms or concepts of your topic.
  • It lends authority to your work.


Plagiarism is a shameful act (academic dishonesty) and its consequences are very huge hence one must try to avoid it at all cost. This does not mean one shouldn’t use another person’s ideas, no one has the monopoly of wisdom, one ought to always acknowledge the source from which he is borrowing these ideas.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.
       Thank you for your attention



Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 3 post. Now you are eligible for performing your achievement 4 which is about the applying markdown. You can refer this post for your next task.


Rate: 3

 3 years ago 

Thank you.. Off to achievement4

 3 years ago 

Hi, @konkaar,

Your post has been supported by @tocho2 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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