My achievement 5 Task 1 by @kobby2002 :
Hello everyone,
Today am here to complete my achievements 5 task 1,After I was been verified for achievements task 3.With this achievement it talk about which was developed by @steemchiller .Without wasting time I will start with my task immediately.
- To begin this task we first click on the link to access the app,And click on sign in
- Enter your username and input your private posting key
- You will then click on ok to launch your app
- After we sign in we get access to all these tools.
The small circle which is located at the top left corner of our website consist of all the voting power,It is also gives us more knowledge of our voting at a different voting percentage.It usually depends on the amount of SP.
The stats also help us to get an overview of your account.Usually it display steem power,Voting power,Vote amount,Followers,Reputation and others.
Usually the account operation section displays all our account activities which consist of the curation reward,Author reward,Edited post,Votes and comments.It also help the save all information related to our account.
Unfortunately I am not having an incoming votes.
Delegation can also be term as another way of giving out,You giving out your steem power you can delegate SP.I can also be collected back anytime.You can also delegate to any user.All you need is to input the username and amount and follow the steps.
You will first click on your account operation.
You would then click on any day.
You are able to also look all comments,votes,Delegation,Rewards,Downvotes,trafer etc.
You will first need to tap on the dashboard,I will then display some informations below.You will also see a bar on top on it.All your operation which has been made will display.That is where you are able to see all the summary reward for last 30 and 7 days.
Author rewards:
These are all the rewards which get from our comments and post when upvoted by a user and curator.
Curation rewards
These are all the rewards we get when we upvotes a year.
Beneficiary rewards
These are all the votes we get from a setup of post percentages.
Here we have different types of tools which includes block explorer,Delegation history,Account creator,recovery,manual vote,etc.
- You first need to check the voting circular bar which has been set at a different weight from 0.00%
Hello @kobby2002, I am reddileep from Greeter Fairy Team.
I am happy to announce that you have successfully completed your achievement task. Now you are eligible for performing your next Achievement Task and you can refer Lists of Achievement Tasks posts to understand about your next Achievement Task which was published by @cryptokannon
Curators Rate: 2