Achievement 3 Task Content Etiquette @khardhan

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Greetings steeminians friends from Newcomers' Community


Today I join in realizing my achievement 3. No to plagiarism in our publications.

Plagiarism is very frowned upon and is nowadays very common, but there are ways to detect it. First let's see what plagiarism is on the web:

What is plagiarism

Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work. In educational contexts, there are differing definitions of plagiarism depending on the institution. Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics source

That is, when copying any document, photos, research, press articles or magazines, letters or videos that are made by other people and we use it for our benefit, it is something very frowned upon and unethical; since as users and content creators on this Steemit platform we must create original and authentic content.

There are several types of plagiarism, let's see what the web tells us what they are:

The 5 most common types of plagiarism:

Mosaic or patchwork plagiarism

With this type of plagiarism, the work of someone else is simply paraphrased without proper citation. It’s often difficult to detect because the plagiarized material is interwoven with many different sources, including the writer’s own ideas and perspective.

Paraphrasing plagiarism

Paraphrasing, or incremental plagiarism, is the most common type of plagiarism. It’s similar to the mosaic plagiarism style mentioned above. However, the difference is that the copied work isn’t mixed in with new concepts and research. When you paraphrase the original idea in your own words, the borrowed material stays the same throughout the new piece.

Complete plagiarism

Complete plagiarism is more common in academic writing than in content marketing or other types of online writing. This type of plagiarism occurs when someone tries to submit an entire research paper as their own without proper attribution.


Also known as auto-plagiarism, self-plagiarism happens when you copy your own writing, whether intentional or not. Often the person in a self-plagiarism incident is summarizing or repurposing their own work instead of writing a whole new piece from scratch on the same topic.

Accidental plagiarism

Plagiarism doesn’t always happen on purpose. It’s still considered plagiarism when someone copies another’s writing without citing their source, improperly cites the source or leaves out quotation marks on accident. Just because the omission or incorrect citation was accidental doesn’t mean plagiarism hasn’t been committed. This is why it’s important to check any work and when in doubt, give your source credit.


It is better to be original and know how to share authentic content so as not to have any legal and copyright problems; in addition, in many countries this crime is penalized with high sums. If you use images, documents or web content, be sure to publish the source from which you take it and thus avoid being labeled as a plagiarist.

Plagiarism is a blatant theft of information from an author. This is very frowned upon, as it affects the original author and leads to many other legal problems of that information or work. It is not considered plagiarism when you use your camera and take a photo of what you want and publish or share it on your social network, it is yours and just as someone can take your photo without placing the source or origin of it, you would be a victim of plagiarism.

It is important to know that it is plagiarism and that it is not, since I would not like to know that someone has plagiarized my publications, photos, videos and so on... that I have posted or shared; because it would be very unpleasant to have that experience. We must respect what is foreign and thus recognize that all work takes time and effort to do.

When taking an image or phrase from the web, the source or quotation must be placed in quotation marks and with its respective source of origin, generally not all of us have our own images to make the references we want to cite, therefore it is better to avoid doing this type of crime and use the source. In addition, there are images in the public domain that we can use without as many commitments as those of pixabay or others.

I hope you liked this publication, which I consider valuable.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

 3 years ago 

Hi, @khardhan,

Your post has been supported by @juichi from the Steem Greeter Team.

Be guided about the purpose of this Achievement task. Plagiarism and Content Etiquette plays a significant role in our Steemit journey as it will define us, writers. Plagiarism is also prohibited by law, so don't forget to give proper credit and citation if the words and pictures used are not yours. For the latest updates and important announcements, don't forget to follow @steemitblog and visit the Steemit Crypto Academy for you to learn about cryptocurrency.

You have been verified for this task and you may now advance to Achievement 4: Applying Markdown at your comfort. Please refer to the guide on the Newcomers Achievement Program on the Notice Board pinned post.

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  • Stop transferring your earnings to the exchange at this early stage. How can you build your account if you are draining it?

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