ACHIEVEMENT 1 POST:INTRODUCTION POST BY @johnmitchel || 13-08-2022

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago


Introduction post

Hello steemit nation, I am very happy to be on this social media platform. Learnt about this platform from my brother @imohmitch he introduced me to this social media platform that pays people for just creating contents, engagements and others. This is my introductory post and I hope to be welcomed with open arms by this big family, thanks.


My name is John Mitchel George, I am from Nsit Ibom LGA in Akwa Ibom state. I am the first child in the family of 4; 3 boys and 1 girl and also my parents. Just turned 24 years on 9th of August. I am a graduate of the prestigious university of uyo but due to the ASUU strike, I haven't been cleared for service yet. So for now, I am a mathematics teacher in a nursery and primary school. Well I am an intelligent guy, also social a bit and relatively so full of humour.


I started my educational pursuit from Jesus saves schools, after which I proceeded to Heritage college where I obtained my West African Examination Council Certificate in 2014. I later proceeded to study Petroleum Engineering in the Federal University of Uyo. I am awaiting results due to ASUU strike which is currently ravaging the educational system in Nigeria.


I love playing football, I also enjoy teaching or imparting knowledge and I am also a creative thinker, and I feel this will improve my writing skills to be an outstanding content creator on this platform.

How I knew about steemit

Like I earlier said, found out about steemit from my brother @imohmitch. Some couple of months ago, I observed that he was always fiddling his phone and trying to put together creative content, this spur up my curiosity to find out what he was doing. He told me about this platform that pays for being creative. Well I was convinced to join this platform after I saw results from him.
I am happy to join this platform because I will be doing what I love whilst also being paid for it.
I promise to actively engage and create contents, free from plagiarism. I hope to add to the development of this platform through sports and photography.
Follow @johnmitchel and keep tabs on my blog. Thanks.


Hi @johnmitchel
Welcome to Steemit, I hope read mor of your post..

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@tipu curate 2

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much

Hello @johnmitchel

Welcome to Steemit and join us on the newcomer achievement program. Your Achievement 1 task has been verified by the Greeter Team, now you can continue to Achivement 2 task.

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All achievement task posts are posted only once. If your post hasn't been verified, you should be patient and make sure to mark the greeter to verify your Achievement task.
You are also expected to be active in other communities to publish posts and comment on other users' posts to get next support

Thank you

Regards @heriadi

Important to you:
I am invite you to join at least #club5050 for your Steem power from post rewards. Please read steps by step to join club here

Now you can join the community Steem For Better Life and Hot News Community to write another post

Hello @johnmitchel

Welcome to Steemit and join us on the newcomer achievement program. Your Achievement 1 task has been verified by the Greeter Team, now you can continue to Achivement 2 task.

Curators Note : Rate 3

All achievement task posts are posted only once. If your post hasn't been verified, you should be patient and make sure to mark the greeter to verify your Achievement task.
You are also expected to be active in other communities to publish posts and comment on other users' posts to get next support

Thank you

Regards @heriadi

Important to you:
I am invite you to join at least #club5050 for your Steem power from post rewards. Please read steps by step to join club here

Now you can join the community Steem For Better Life and Hot News Community to write another post

 2 years ago 

Hi, @johnmitchel,

Your post has been supported by @heriadi from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

I am also a newcomer. Nice to meet you bro.
Regards @tanjimrahman

 2 years ago (edited)

HI @johnmitchelwelcome to steemit , you can feel free to contact me for any assistance regarding steemit and communities
Please join our communities #steemindia and #steemphotos and start posting your articles.
My Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 and MyTelegram :-

 2 years ago 

Thank very much @jyoti-thelight

 2 years ago 

welcome @johnmitchel

 2 years ago 

Thanks @m-fdo

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