in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

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Love and betrayal is common among men and women especially during bloom of youth,but the worst part of it is when a Man promise a woman that he will marry her and the woman gave him her heart after many years,the man will not answer her call and start to avoid her with no reason,it is painful and frustrating



The story am going to tell you now happened in 1996 December precisely but it is a journey that started from May 1995 and ended on 31/12/1996.
A young handsome Man named Sampson saw a beautiful young lady and fall in love with her,at first the lady said no but with time because of his care and love she started to consider him,to proof to this lady that he is not after her body that he is coming for something serious that he want her to be the mother of her children and his life partner,he introduce the lady to his parents and all his family members and their love grows for each other,to show to the ladies family that he meant what he said,he did what we call knocking at the door or Introduction which involved the two families to be aware of their engagement to the point of wedding arrangements.

The parents of the young man told the young lady soon to be their daughter in-law to visit them where they are living because the parents are living in a different state , they said why they want her to stay with them few days before her wedding is because after the wedding she will go with her husband, they will not have the opportunity to spend quality time with her, they loved her so much even the siblings of her Man loved her so much,

When she went for the visit the Father in-law treated her like a queen,the mother in-law treated her like a princess and the siblings treated her like Mom,they bought a lot of things for her and she confirmed that she has found good home, when she came back she narrated her stories to her Mom,the Mom told her to keep all those things they bought for her safe that she should not be in a hurry to use them,she did what the Mom asked her to do, their wedding was scheduled to hold on January 2nd 1997 but when the husband came back on December 20/1996 the story started to change,at first it was the colour of clothes that they will wear,the husband came home with 2 different materials and asked her to choose one which she did and the husband said," this is our traditional clothes" "she said don't tell me you bought our clothes without asking me to tell you the colour i will like, okay even if you are buying it,it should be the same material and the same colour so that it will be easy for people to identify us on traditional wedding day.
He was so angry to the point he said if you are not ready for this wedding tell me because I have something important to attend to,it was like joke but it was real,she burst in tears because she did not expect that from her love,she remembered when she visited her husband in Akure were he was living how he cared for her and she hold him and said am really sorry the way i reacted,the colour of material is too small to rub us our Joy,I will manage it,he said "better beoo" inside the lady she was like what has happened, this is not my love,the following morning the parents of the husband came and she was happy to see them but the reaction of the father in-law was something else.

The father in-law said,I will not marry a woman that will tell me what she will wear,I give you what i want you to wear period,if you don't like it return all the things I and my Son bought for you.

The mother in-law was crying telling the husband that what he is doing is not good and the Man said .

I am the one that will decide what will happen and that is final.

She cryied and ask the Mom is this real or dream,is this real? She did not understand what was going on,the husband did not come to her again, and she went to him to apologize and to know his mind over what the father said,he said,i stand with my father but his mouth was shaking,she tried to find out the truth from him,he only hugged her and cryied with her but did not say anything else,she went home crying,no more talk or arrangement for the wedding,on 30/12/1996 He came with the father to collect all the things they bought for her,she could not help but wept bitterly,she told them to come back the following day to carry everything because she didn't know they will come that day,it was that same day that people who came back for the wedding,who are living the same town with him told the lady that she will be the second wife,

She said wife for what, how, they told her that the man who is coming to wedd her have a pregnant woman in his house that the parents are aware of it but they can't do anything so on the 31/9/1996 the father came and collected all the things they bought for her and used them for the wedding of the pregnant girl that same January 1997 and
she have not seen him again tiil date.



At first it was not easy for her to deal with,but the mother was a source of encouragement for her, one day the mother asked her,did he sleep with you? She said no,she asked her again,are you owing him? She said no,She asked her again,is he the only man in this world? She said no, the mother said to her,

Whe one way closed, many ways will open,so you need to be ready to see when the way is open so that you can go in.

She also prayed to God for help and boldness to stand the shame

Today she is happily married with kids and her husband is some one who knew this story that i shared with you.


It is important to listen to God fearing parents,if not she wouldn't have been able to return those fake gift.

Written by me @ijelady

Thank you @steemingcuration

My Achievement1

I invite @newbreed @benson6 @delightsome1 to participate in this Contest


 3 years ago 

Beautifully narrated!
Thanks for inviting me.

 3 years ago 

Am waiting to read your entry

if this is a mistake, pls delete it and "mark error" so it won't look like a duplicate post.

 3 years ago 

I think i have deleted it,am sorry if is still showing,it was a mistake

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