 8 months ago 

Friend request sent

Please bear in mind that the account that introduced him has just been identified as fake. Ping me on Discord and I’ll share details with you 👍🏼

 8 months ago 

Hello, I am a real user. How can I contact you?

Unfortunately, the person who introduced you is a plagiarist and a liar which won’t be helping you as they’ve been flagged already. I also believe that you’ve been speaking to one of Steemit’s greeters so shouldn’t need to contact anybody else as they’re there to help you through the process.

If you’re happy to share your image (as this post suggests), then share more content showing that you’re real and everything should work out fine.

Please visit our WOX moderator channel, I am live with the user

👍🏼 I’ve replied on Discord

Hi @pinkcastle, I understand that you've now spoken to @stef1 and that you were unfortunate in mentioning the other user (who chose to join with a fake photo and then plagiarise other people's content).

Hopefully your achievement can be validated now 👍 (@heriadi / @goodybest - please take a look)

You've replied to me in English - have you learnt English or are you using a translator?

 8 months ago 

Alright, we'll do the needful

 8 months ago 


👍 I don't know if others think like me (they probably don't) but I like to see the original language so that if the translation doesn't work very well, I can find a different translator - so it would be worth considering including both. A lot of users will post their content in 2 languages - often Spanish, German, etc. and then English before (or after depending upon community). It's worth considering.

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much. I'll do that right away

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