Achievement 5 Task 1 by @farhmade: Review

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Greetings everyone, I much delighted to once again continue and this time around complete my achievement tasks. Before commencing I will like to express my gratitude to @cryptokannon, @fendit and @belengeura for their hard work and maximum support to this community.

To kick start I will like to talk of what is all about. was founded by @steemchiller to enable Steemians get access to everything they need to know about their account. It is very easy to use and does not require any technical know how knowledge before using.
It can used both on mobile phone and a personal computer which I have done that before and they are no differences. has records of everything I do with my steemit account. Be it upvote, following, mentions and so on. I usually use this site to see the wellbeing of my account.
To gain access to this website, you need to login with your username and private posting key.
The link to the website is

From the login then moving to my dashboard brings me to this window below displaying my vote percentage with corresponding vote it can give. This shows that with my current vote percentage which is 87.74 I can give a vote of $0.01 and this is same as my 100% vote power.



This tap shows or displays a full summary of my rewards. That is my all time earnings from the day I joined Steemit till now. My all time SBDs, Author and Curation SP. It also shows my reputation my Current SP number of followers and number of posts, comments and so. A screenshot is shown below.

ahieve 5.png


This tap also displays the account value in USD and EUR. That is it shows the balance of my account. It also displays the amount of Steem and SBD left in my account. The amount withdrawn is also indicated here and also Vesting shares both received and delegated. This tap also enables me to make a transfer of Steem or SBD to a different account or to an exchange platform. Powering Up and Down is also shown in this tap to enable the individual carry out this process.

achievem 5.png


This tap in the displays the details of my account. These are my Id, my username, my profile details Authorities Resource credits and Witness Votes. It also shows the last actions I did with my account. Be it a post made or vote given.





This tap simply shows or displays the delegated SP I have. That is both incoming and Outgoing SP. As seen below some outgoing Delegations to Steem Ghana and Steem Foods. But I have no incoming delegations.



This tap displays my followers details, That is the date and time as to which the following was done. I can also be able to search for particular followers I want with the help of the search box.



This tap displays very mention that happen in your account. That is any other user that mentioned your username in any post made on Steemit is shown in this platform.



This tap shows various orders placed with my account. That is buying or selling of Steem is shown here. There is also a tap that shows the Open orders, Conversions and Withdrawals of my account. As seen below I have one opened order placing to buy Steem but it hasn't yet gone through yet which I can choose to cancel.

orders 1.png



This tap also shows a complete detail of the prices of SBD and that of Steem which is in line with the crypto market. It also shows the pairs of crypto currencies in the world and their details. It also displays the current currencies rates compared to the USD.

market info 1.png

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This shows the 24/7 activities of my account. That is the upvotes or downvotes received, the upvotes given, comments, resteem, following, power up or down, transfers and so on. They are all displayed here.

acc operations.png


This tap enables me to check my incoming rewards within the week. That is both Author, Curation and Beneficial Rewards. By clicking on the refresh button I can be able to see everything.

bene rw.png

com rea.png

coming rewards.png

To the attention of @cryptokannon and @sarkodieeric1


You have been verified for this task and you may proceed to the next achievement task at your convenience.
Note: Well done

Curators Rate: 2

Please continue to read and prepare from @cryptokannon Achievement tasks resources

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 66543.69
ETH 3327.31
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71