Achievement Task 3: Content Etiquettes by @esthyfashion

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

Plagiarism kills Reputation



Anyone who takes credit for a skill or work that is not his is a Plagiarist and the act is called Plagiarism. While computers have made it easy to Plagiarise text, audio and video formats, the same computer has also made detecting Plagiarism a lot easier with software that act as Plagiarism detector tools.

Plagiarism detection tools

One of the basic characteristic of computer is it's speed. Ising this characteristic, computer software are able to quickly run through a database, comparing it's content for similarities.
smallseotools is an example of a Plagiarism checker tool, with a user friendly environment.

Another similar tool is the and the

When Caught in the Act

A disciplinary hearing is one of the first thing that happens to a student guilty of Plagiarism. It often ends in a failing grade or a total cancelation of a students work. This leads to a soiled reputation which is difficult to mend and some students have been expelled from many institutions.
Professionals have lunch st their job and some are facing huge fines for intellectual property violation.
Plagiarism can result in a scandal that goes global and viral. An example is that which is mentioned by listverse•com

Where UK prime minister Tony Blair, in the year 2003 presented the Dodgy Dossier a clasic mosaic Plagiarism which contained unattributed, stolen material. It took some materials from a doctoral thesis from California State University professor Ibrahim Al-Marashi, it was so bad that typos from the original 1998 document was even spotted.


Types of Plagiarism

Plagiarism comes in many forms, some being so subtle and difficult to easily spot out. A good example here is Paraphrased Plagiarism where the material has been restructured and individual words substituted for synonyms. Even some good Plagiarism detector finds it hard to spot this type. But anyone who can go to this length can write their own work.
Mosaic Plagiarism: on the other hand is not so creative but has a good quantity of research work done. But his personal input is not found in the overall work as it is a collection of work from different writers. Though it's not as terrible as Global Plagiarism: where a person just carries the whole test without changing anything. This form of Plagiarism is very easy to detect.

How to avoid plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism is very easy, just use quotation marks on materials that are not a product of your mind and provide a link that gives credit to the owner.
Correctly use citations and references is all that is needed even when you are Paraphrasing someone's work.

Plagiarism and Steemit

Steemit spends a lot of energy and resources in stamping out Plagiarist from the platform. Defaulters are striped of their reputation, muted in affected communities. The revenue generated by the Plagiarize are confiscated as a warning and if persistent, such account are closed down

The Steemit Plagiarism Oath

"With my current understanding of steemit's stand against Plagiarism, I promise to do my best to abide by the rules of content etiquettes as spelt out by steemit." Source

@alphafx @whitestallion @cryptokannon @juichi @ngoenyi


hi @esthyfashion
Congratulations your achievement task has been verified, you can move on to the next Acievement task

Rate : Alumni 2021

 2 years ago 

Please am not up to one year

You joined in May 2021 now in May 2022 , you need to attach your achievement link 1 at the end of the post so that we can see it

 2 years ago 


Hi @esthyfashion, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

It's also very important for you to join #club5050. To join the club you need to power up at least 50% of your monthly earnings. You can also join #club75 where you will power up 75% of your earnings for 2 months or #club100 where you are to power up all your earnings for 3 months.

Also note that all achievement posts must be posted only once. Even if your post is not verified, you need to exercise patience and be sure to tag a greeter to verify you

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Task rate:2

 2 years ago 

Hi, @esthyfashion,

Your post has been supported by @ngoenyi from the Steem Greeter Team.

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