[ESP-ING] Logro 3 por @doubleg8: Protocolo de contenido ✨ | Achievement 3 by @doubleg8: Content protocol ✨

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

¡Bienvenidos a una nueva entrada en mi blog gente linda de Steemit!

Welcome to a new entry of my blog pretty Steemit people!


Con el logro 1 y 2 ya completado, avanzo hacia el logro 3: "Protocolo de contenido" haciendo referencia a un tema muy importante como lo es el plagio.

With achievement 1 and 2 already completed, I move on to achievement 3: "Content Protocol" referring to a very important topic such as plagiarism.


Fuente del separador

🟡 ¿Qué es el plagio? | What is plagiarism

Según la RAE, el plagio es "Copiar las obras ajenas haciéndolas pasar como propias". Es cierto que en muchas ocasiones incurrimos en esta práctica de manera inconciente, pero hay que mantenernos atentos ya que esto atenta con la honestidad de una persona o en nuestro caso como creadores de contenido.

According to the RAE, plagiarism is "Copying the works of others passing them off as one's own". It is true that on many occasions we incur in this practice unconsciously, but we must remain vigilant as this threatens the honesty of a person or in our case as content creators.

Esta práctica es repudiada en Steemit y con el pasar del tiempo ha tomado más relevancia por el ingreso de nuevos usuarios, ya que muchos de ellos desconocen este tema, hacen plagio de manera inconciente, o no le dan tanta importancia; sin dejar de lado los casos que han salido a la luz dejando en evidencia a aquellos que se beneficiaban del contenido ajeno.

This practice is repudiated in Steemit and with the passage of time has taken more relevance by the entry of new users, since many of them are unaware of this issue, do plagiarism unconsciously, or do not give it so much importance; without leaving aside the cases that have come to light exposing those who benefited from other people's content.

🟡 ¿Cómo se puede evitar el plagio? | How can plagiarism be avoided?

A veces utilizamos esta práctica por desconocer como citar las palabras o frases de otro autor, o creemos que al utilizar una foto que no es de nuestra autoría no es necesario mencionar el sitio web de dónde la sacamos, o a la persona que tomó la fotografía.

Sometimes we use this practice because we do not know how to quote the words or phrases of another author, or we believe that when using a photo that is not of our authorship is not necessary to mention the website where we took it, or the person who took the picture.

Para utilizar frases o imágenes de otro autor sin cometer plagio sólo debes hacer lo siguiente:

To use phrases or images from another author without committing plagiarism, you only need to do the following:

Para citar alguna frase debemos colocar la frase entre "comillas", nombrar al autor y antes de la frase colocar el signo >, o cambiar el modelo de la letra para diferenciar del resto del texto. Por ejemplo:

To quote a phrase we must place the phrase between "quotation marks", name the author and before the phrase place the > sign, or change the model of the letter to differentiate it from the rest of the text. For example:

"Sólo hay una pequeña parte del universo de la que sabrás con certeza que puede ser mejorada, y esa parte eres tú". (Aldoux Husley)

There is only one small part of the universe that you will ever know for certain can be improved, and that part is you". (Aldoux Husley)

En el caso de las imágenes, debemos colocar debajo de la foto utilizada lo siguiente: [] y dentro de los corchetes la palabra FUENTE, justo al lado de esto abrimos paréntesis () y por dentro el link del sitio de dónde la sacaste. Por ejemplo:

In the case of images, we must place below the photo used the following: [] and inside the brackets the word SOURCE, right next to this we open brackets () and inside the link of the site from where you took it. For example:



Me gustaría recalcar que he leído y acepto los términos de protocolo de la comunidad de steemit y trataré de cumplirlo lo mejor que pueda.
I would like to emphasize that I have read and agree to the steemit community etiquette terms and will try to abide by them to the best of my ability.


Fuente del separador

Logro 1

Logro 2

Este fue mi logro 3 realizado.¡Nos estamos leyendo amigos de Steemit!

This was my achievement 3 made.We are reading you Steemit friends!


Curators Note :3

Hello @doubleg8,

Congratulations! You have passed this Achievement You may now proceed to the next achievement task following the article.

For more updates, keep following @steemitblog.

Best Regards!!!

 3 years ago 

Your post is really good in steemit platform.

I appreciate your great work✅

Hey I am Founder Of :
Open The World Community.

So I invite you to my community because you make awesome post in steemit I will support your post in our community so come here & make post as you like anything.

Hey my dear friend, how are you, I hope you're fine & you need more vote & money in steemit if you need " we have a new community name Open The World.

If you need more vote please come our community & make post (photography,The dairy game,Movie review, Science,Daily life, Story & if you like anything)

The steemit team said us that if we have active user then they will give us community or booming Support, so if you Wanna booming support then please come to our community & subscribe this community,vote and post here..you will get booming support within e very short time.

& We will try to give vote every quality post in this community, So I hope you will check our new community.

This community is open to all Steemian ❤️

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 3 years ago 

Hi, @doubleg8,

Your post has been supported by @graceleon from the Steem Greeter Team.

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