Achievement 3 @cityy Task: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

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•Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work as your own .in academic writing.plagiarizing involve using words ideas or information from a source without including a proper citation.

         •Why does plagiarism matters 

•Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. Whether you are a student submitting a paper to a class or a researcher submitting to a journal,it expected that the work you submit is your won .If you express an idea without mentioning the source or paste a passage of text without properly quoting it ,you are taking credit for someone else's work .This is true even if you didn't deliberately set out to mislead your readers .That doesn't mean you can't use other researchers ideas , building on others work is a key of academic writing,but it's important to clearly distinguish your own words and ideas from those of your sources.

         •Consequences of plagiarism

As a student plagiarism can result in failing your course or even your degree.
As a professional academic, plagiarism can put your career and reputation at risk and you could be legally liable for copyright infringement.But in all cases an allegation of plagiarism is stressful and damaging to your academic success.

          •Types of plagiarism

•Copy and paste
This is also known as direct plagiarism which means copying a passage from a source without citation.if you want to use someone else exact words you need to quote the source and cite it correctly.

      •Mosaic plagiarism

This means using various phrases, passages and ideas from different source to create kind of "Mosaic " or"patchwork" of other researchers work without proper citation. Although the result is a completely new piece of text the words and ideas aren't new.

       •Self plagiarism

It means reusing parts of your own previous work e. g(submitting the same paper to a different class or recycling a dataset.)self plagiarizing is a problem because your readers expect the work to be original.

      •Global plagiarism

It means submitting and entire work written by someone else that include having a friend write your paper for you or buying and essay from an online essay mill
This is considered the most severe form of plagiarizing because you are deliberately lying about authorship of the work .

         •How to avoid plagiarism

When you want to include an exact phrase sent passage from a source, use a quotation.

Always cite the source when you quote paraphase summerize.

When you want to express an idea or information, a source, paraphase or summerize it entirely in one words


Thanks to everyone on this group and this program.




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 3 years ago 

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