in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


greetings from chrishberry,i hope you all are doing great.i just completed my achievement 2 and today i will be talking about the next task which is plagiarism.

what is plagiarism

in my own understanding plagiarism simply means the act of copying someone's else's work and presenting it as the owner.even with or without the person's permission.plagiarism can occur from a text,or any act work and presenting it without the real owner permission or consent.
There are many ways in which someone can plagiarize another person's work or contents!

types of plagiarism

The types of plagiarism are as follows

direct plagiarism
Mosaic plagiarism
self plagiarism
accidental plagiarism

direct plagiarism

This is the act of copying a writer or an author work without accepting or admitting the existence. It's Also the act of having credit in someone's else's work or ideas.for instance,a wedsite owners want to add a new content.instead of creating his or her own article,he or she went ahead to copy article from another website published them on his or her site with his or her name as the author.

Mosaic plagiarism

This is the act of borrowing some words from someone's work.or this is is the act borrowing some words from the writer or an author to create your own content.for instance an assignment was given to ss1 student, and the teacher said in your own understanding and then some of the students went on borrowing phrases from source without using quotation marks.

self plagiarism

This type of plagiarism in which a writer republishes a work or reuses his or her previous writter text while creating a New work.if you are the person who originally create a content about a particular thing, and still reuses the first content in creations is describe as self-plagiarism.for example when you uses am idea you learnt from your previous class to the current class you are to create a content.

accidental plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism happens or occurs because of neglect, mistake,or unintentionally paraphrasing.accidental plagiarism is the misuse of source,or misquote their source.examples of accidental plagiarism are
Failure to cite a source
Failure to quote
Failure to put a paraphrase in your own words.

causes of plagiarism

lack of research

This is a process whereby a writer or an author fails to use the document sources rightly or appropriately.
Lack of research is another causes of plagiarism, this occur when a student fails to study before he or she start making his or her writting.or this the precess whereby the author do not study or do research before publishing his or her work.

consequences of plagiarism

1)a student who plagiarize can be expelled or can be given a suspension from college or an institution

  1. plagiarism can Also destroy your source
  2. plagiarism can Also demn your reputation
  3. plagiarism can Also results to legal action, Fine's and penalties etc.

best ways to avoid plagiarism

1)do not joke with your research or assignment
2)do your own work all by yourself,if not cleared in some areas then talk to somebody.somebody i meant is your proffessor for clarification.
3)cite your source in a very careful and thorough way.
4)paraphrase or quote from your source (and add your own ideas).


I want to thank you all,and God bless you as you go through this post. I have understood how steemit platform works so far and I won't engage in any form of plagiarism asbit is regarded as fraud and it's highly prohibited here. Many thanks to you all. Wish you all all the best.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"



I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

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Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 3 post. Now you are eligible for performing your achievement 4 which is about the applying markdown. You can refer this post for your next task.



 3 years ago 

Hi, @chrishberry,

Your post has been supported by @nattybongo from the Steem Greeter Team.

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