Achievement 2 @brahmaputra Task: Basic Security on STEEM

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Namaste Steemians, Greetings from India. I want to wish you all a very happy and blessed #Easter for those who are celebrating worldwide.

I would like to thank @ghostfacer99 who introduced me to @cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program which are a series of assignments for newcomers on Steemit. It's been less than a week for me here and I must confess that it's such a great learning curve for a newbie like me.

This post is on Achievement 2 Task of the above program which deals with Basic Security on Steem. I had a few doubts regarding the keys of my Steemit account, how and when to use each one of them. Now after a thorough research and understanding, I am clear with it.


Question 1: Have I retrieved all my keys on steemit?

Yes, I have retrieved them. After I successfully created the Steemit account, there was a prompt asking me to save the key file. It is a PDF file which is probably the most important treasure for me as long as I am in this platform. I made sure I keep it in such a place which I consider safe. Also I have written them all down on a piece of paper and put it in the study lockers.

Question2: Do I know each of these key functions and restrictions?

Yes, I know the functions of these keys. I have learnt about them from #Steemit community members' posts. I am highly indebted to them for making my life much simpler with easy to understand articles written in lucid language.

  • Private Posting Key: It is used to log in to and perform social actions such as posting, commenting, and
    voting. One should use the Private Posting Key for day-to-day Login on Steemit

  • Private Memo Key: It is used to decrypt private transfer memos. It is required to use the pound/# sign before it.

  • Private Active Key: It is used for monetary and wallet related actions, such as transferring tokens or powering STEEM up and down, converting Steem Dollars, voting for witnesses, updating profile details and placing transfers.

  • Private Owner Key: It is used to reset all your other keys. It is recommended to keep it offline at all times. If an account is compromised, this key can help recover it within 30 days at

Question 3: How do I plan to keep your master password?

I have secured my master password both online and offline. The master password is the only way to derive all other above keys. The user can't afford to lose this password.

Question 4: Do I know how to transfer my steem token to another steem user account?

Yes, I do.

  • First of all I need to Login to my Steemit Wallet using my Private Active Key.

  • Then I need to click on the drop down menu near Steem option. Then I need to click on Transfer.

  • This will lead me to a page asking for receiver's username, amount to be transferred and memo. After filling up these details, I need to click on Next. And this will complete the process.

Question 5: Do I know how to power up my STEEM?

Yes, I have learnt the process but have never done it before. (Obviously I am a newbie)
Converting Steem to SP is called Powering Up. This can be done as follows--

  • First I need to Login to my Steemit Wallet using my Private Active Key.

  • Then I need to click on the drop down menu near Steem option. Then I need to click on Power Up.

  • This will prompt me to fill the amount I want to invest. After that clicking on the Power Up button will complete the task of powering up.

I also take this opportunity to thank @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet for their suggestions in helping me grow in this platform. Here are a few suggestions from James that I feel I should share with my fellow #Steemians.


This is the theoretical part of the task. Can't wait to do the practicals by myself. ☺️😁

That's all for today friends. Meanwhile Steem On.


CC: @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator03, @steemitblog, @steemingcurators, @sapwood

 3 years ago 

You have been upvoted by @tarpan and I’m voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator03 account to support the newcomers coming into steemit. You may now proceed to the next achievement task.

Keep following @steemitblog for updates.

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