Achievement 4 by @beckie96830 Task : Applying Markdowns"

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago

Task for Achievement 4: Applying Markdowns Create content by applying at least 5 types of markdown provided in the above section. The title of your post should be "

My next achievement is Applying Markdowns and in this content I'm going to tell a story while applying at least 5 markdown styles.

This is story or rather an inspiration of what I want to my future to look how. A part of me wants all of these to happen while another wants whatever thats meant for me to happen. The title is:

My ideal perfect future

There's is a lot of things the future holds in store for us. It could be a life we never even thought of living, also it could be the life we've always dreamt of living.

Either way whatever version of the future we get is the one predestined for us. We're only rewarded the best life chosen for us (my personal opinion).

Down future lane

"Mummy, mummy I want to eat chocolate", David would say to me.

"Too much sugar isn't good for you baby, just take a little", I would reply.

The above is a little sneak peak of how I want to live my life. A life of parenthood.

I have pictured that I'll graduate with good results, go for the compulsory one year national youth service, get a job, marry and become a proud parent.

Retha Ferguson
Before I get married I must have gone on series of dates and gotten surprise cakes, chocolates, flowers and notes delivered at my door step. Even a surprise birthday party for me.

When I eventually want to settle down and get married, I'll have three weddings: Court, traditional and white weddings. All would be done simultaneously and in six months.

I don't want talk-of-the-town traditional and white wedding. Just a beautiful themed wedding covered by a private media house.

I'd give birth to four children, 2 boys and girls each with a three years interval between them.

Definitely, I don't plan on starting a family in Nigeria but should that be the case there would be steady power supply in my house and water.

I'd open a lucrative business with the little money I saved up and that which my partner would give me. I'm doing that so I could have time for my family.

Wouldn't want a situation whereby I leave the major work to the help I'll bring to stay in my house.

It's not that I don't like white collar jobs, I do. I'll leave it for my husband to do. I can only do the white collar job outside my country and it has to flexible enough to accommodate time spent with my family.

What it simply means is that after every of your plans didn't work, you'll start seeing it manifest in others.
There's a popular saying that says "this life no just get balance".

Shiva Smyth

I quote that;

I have successfully read and understood all the requirements for achievement 4. Out of my understanding I've applied about eight markdown styles.

Steem greeters: @cryptokannon, @yohan2on, @cmp2020.

Thank you for visiting my blog


This is very nice and well-arranged. Formatting your posts make it a pleasure to read and easy on the eye. I hope that from now on, you will maintain this orderly arrangement. Looking forward to your next Achievement post. @beckie96830

 4 years ago 

Thank you @steemalive. I'm loving my formation and I'll apply them Al henceforth so I can get used to them.


 4 years ago 

This is a nice post @beckie96830 this is proof that you have learnt how to apply markdowns, your work is quite impressive;

I look forward to reading your next achievement

 4 years ago 

I'm glad you liked it. It was easy to apply after reading the instructions. Thank you very much for stopping by. I hope you've made your own Achievement 4 blog.


Glad to learn about your future plans. You have indeed expressed a good understanding of the markdown editor function. The post is well-formatted and a very interesting read.

You may now proceed to achievement 5 - Understanding steem tools. All that is well laid out in this post.

 4 years ago 

Thank you so much. I'm getting ready for my next achievement.

I can't wait to post it

 4 years ago 

The structure of your post is great,I took interest in" baby too much sugar is not good for u" so my mom also usually say to me when I was a kid.

 4 years ago 

Awwn. Now you've all grown up doesn't she call you baby.


 4 years ago 

Hahahaha she does

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