in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Good day folks!

The protocol on which Steemit has based its user interface is the Post-creation System, a distinguishing characteristic generic among most Social media today. But unlike its counterparts, the process of creating a well-formatted Steemit post could be rather tedious and relatively complex in structure. This is due to the various codes and syntax that need to be manually inputted by the user for him/her to obtain their desired output. These codes are what we refer to as "MARKDOWNS". Although complex, they are very much learnable and will be discussed under this post to hopefully affirm my knowledge on applying the basic and advanced principles of Markdowns.
So without much ado, Lets hop unto it.

Text Markdowns

  • Bold Texts; To create a bold text, we input two asterisk signs before and after the word without leaving space inbetween i.e typing **Naruto** in the editing space produces Naruto in the preview.

  • Slant Texts; To get a slant text, we type two dashes before and after the text without leaving space inbetween e.g typing _Naruto_ produces Naruto

  • Combining Bold and Slant; To create a text such as Naruto which is both boldened and slant, we use 3 asterisk signs before and after the text without leaving space inbetween i.e ***Naruto***

  • Justify a Text Justifying your text simply means making it neatly spaced for better reading. Lets say we want to justify the sentence;

"Naruto once said, hardwork is worthless for those who don't believe in themselves!"

To justify the sentence above, we input <div class="text-justify"> Naruto once said, hardwork is worthless for those who don't believe in themselves! </div> with the code syntax being<div class="text-justify"> & </div> placed before and after the text respectively.

This produces;

"Naruto once said, hardwork is worthless for those who don't believe in themselves!"

Notice how the words align with the border and are properly spaced making it much neater and easier to read than the one without the justify code.

  • Strike Through Text To create a word with a strike through it, we use two tilde signs ~~ code before and after the word without leaving space inbetween i.e ~~Sasuke~~. This gives Sasuke.

Headline Markdowns

Headlines are very essential tools in making a great post. They are highlighted words which precede a text indicating the information contained in it. Some of the markdowns which can be applied for formatting headlines are listed as follows;

  • Using the hashtag # before a text automatically turns it into a bold headline. You can add up to six hashtags ###### before a text to produce six different headline forms with varying sizes.
  • Alternatively, you can place 3 equal signs === on the line after a text to produce the same effect.
  • To create a ruler(a line that divides the page), we can use three dashes ___, three hyphens --- or three asterisk signs*** on a free line.


This pulls things towards a particular side or permits writing directly beside something else. Things you can align include Text, pictures, Gifs, Videos and pretty much anything.

To align to the left, we use– <div class="pull-left"> </div>

To align to the right, we use– <div class="pull-right"> </div>

To center the text, we use– <center> </center>


This text is at the center

This text is to the Left
This text is to the right

This was made by inputting the following accordingly;
<center> This text is at the center </center>
<div class="pull-left"> This text is to the Left </div> <div class="pull-right"> This text is to the right </div>

Superscripts and Subscripts

These are important tools and can be used to improvise writing under photos and inbetween lines.

The code syntax used to obtain superscripts is <sup> Text </sup>. This moves the text above the margin point i.e Good Morning

The code syntax used to obtain subscripts is <sub> Text </sub>. This moves the text below the margin point i e Text Good Morning

You can also modify your subscripts or superscripts into clickable links by simply placing the link inbetween the syntax
Auspow99<sup>[profile](</sup> produces Auspow99profile


Codes show the full construct of a Markdowns syntax in a readable format.

They are made by using the backtick also known as the left-quote (`) before and after what is to be highlighted or alternatively placing

<code> & </code> before and after the text.


You can add clickable links to your post which direct you to another site upon clicking. There is no particular code that needs to be input for inorder to achieve this as directly typing in the URL automatically turns it into a clickable link. e.g made by just typing in

But if we wish to use a word in place of the link, we type the word we want to use in square brackets [] while placing the link in brackets ()directly besides eachother i.e

[auspow99]( produces auspow99 which is a link you can click and follow up on ✌️


Column 1Column 2
Cell 1Cell 2

Was created by typing in

Column 1 | Column 2
Cell 1 | Cell 2

We can also add more cells on a row by simply dividing them using | and more columns using -.


Inorder to avoid accusations of sentence plagiarism when directly citing a sentence or a quote, one of the tools we can apply is the block-quote method. This can be made by using the greater than sign > infront of a sentence.

Hardwork is worthless for those who don't believe in themselves

Which was produced by typing;

> Hardwork is worthless for those who don't believe in themselves –Naruto


Pasting Youtube links in your post automatically converts to a watchable video.
Below is my most favourite and I think the best fight from all of Naruto series 😋

This was made by inputting the direct link;

That concludes it!
I was able to learn all this from cryptokannon's lesson on the achievement 4 task which you can checkout here
and the Github markdown guides here

Special thanks to

 3 years ago 

Very awesome and comprehensive post. It kinda reminds me of the things I've forgotten.

 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks bro, glad I could help

 3 years ago 

Nice task

 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago 

Wow @auspow99, this is both detailed and easy to understand.


 3 years ago 


Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 4 post. Now you are eligible for performing your achievement 5 which is about Understanding the Steem tools. You can refer this post for your next task.



 3 years ago 

Hi, @auspow99,

Your post has been supported by @heriadi from the Steem Greeter Team.

Congratulations on passing achievement 4 successfully. Now, You are eligible for Minnow Support Program.
I am here to inform you that steemitblog is offering a set of courses for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels in SteemitCryptoAcademy. You can receive upvotes from @steemcurator01 & @steemcurator02 by attending the courses following all the guidelines properly.
For more updates, keep following @steemitblog.

Best Regards!!!

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