Achievement 3 :Plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarism

Ofter completion 2 achivement in new comers community i am going towards next achievements.This achivement is about plagiarism .
What is Plagiarism?
“ we can define as Plagiarism as( it a digital crime and its those metarial which you you stole from some on stole idea of some one stole review of some having no source the stolen metarial from some like blog are such like another way and show its that it is mine is called plagiarism and down in detail are types of plagiarism)
we can see plagiarism in google
Genrally there are two type of plagiarism
Content plagiarism
picture plagiarism
How can we detect plagiarism from picture I am showing a method through which plagiarism can be detect
step 1
search any picture with your choice just suppose i select a picture of flower

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5
Content plagiarism
Direct Plagiarism
In This type of plagiarism suspect directly portion of article and share as it is your own it is common type of plagiarism
Self Plagiarism
Those works ,articles ,esay are an matarial which is already share once befor and you only just copy paste without permission is srlf plagiarism
Mosaic Plagiarism
*In this type of plagiarism collect diffrent idea from diffrent place and paste in blog in article or another place this type of plagiarism is called mosaic plaiarism
Accidental Plagiarism
In this type of plagiarism when person neglect cite
You clearly understand when you read post of post(Achievement 3 by @nishadi88 Task : Content Etiquette covered by @nishadi88
Citation method
How you can give cite the following step you have to carried to picture taking .
First of all take pic from that source which is plagiarism and scondly source give as like
pixbay source
You have completed this achivement. You can move on to the next achievement.
Hi, @artist1111,
Your post has been supported by @sm-shagor from the Steem Greeter Team.