My achievement 2 task on basic security on steem @armaa

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

My achievement 2 task on basic security on steem @armaa

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Hello Steemit Community I hope you are super good, here I am again, this time I will present my Achievement 2 on Steemit Basic Safety.

It consists of answering 5 questions to understand each of the vital keys of the platform, its operations, how to keep them safe, among other points that we must all know and thus move forward every day more in this Incredible Social Network.

have you obtained and saved all your steemit passwords?

If I got them the moment I created my Steemit Account and backed them up in a safe place on my computer and on an external hard drive where it is not accessible to anyone else, just me.

What I liked a lot is that they are all in a specific Order where the person has no chance of being confused at all by their specifications and each of them are more than Unique!, so if at some point we got to Hack the account it would be because of the great carelessness that person did by not securing them very well.

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do you know all the functions and restrictions of the keys?

If of course, my actions within the platform depend on them. They are as follows:

Private Posting Key: 👇

It is used to log in to this platform, to publish the posts, make resteem, comment and vote on the publications of other people in order to interact with them either by writing to you that I liked your publication so much.

Private Memo Key:👇

It is used to transfer funds to Exchangers as well as to make internal transactions.

Private Active Key / Activation Key:👇

This key is the one that allows us to change our profile picture, transfer Tokens, convert our funds to Power up or Steem Dollars, turn steem on/ off, among other uses.

Private Owner Key👇

It is the key that allows us to change the rest of the keys if we lose them, have been hacked, or any other type of inconvenience.

So it allows you to change each of the original keys except the Master Password.

Master Password / Master Password:👇

It is one of the most powerful and important of the platform with the ability to impersonate the other keys in case of having lost them.

So if we were to misplace all the keys, including this one, we would lose any power or action within our account here at Steemit.

how do you plan to keep your master key safe?

I plan to keep my password safe by writing it on a piece of paper and save it along with my personal items, in which no one else has access to part of my person, so that in a possible hack of my account I can recover access and other keys with it.

how to transfer your steem tokens to another steem user?

We start by clicking on our Wallet or Steem Wallet:

steemit 01.png

Then inside the wallet we click where the arrow signal

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Then we click on transfer

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And we will be enabled our last step as explained in the image and Done:

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how to perform the power up process in steem?

We start by clicking on our Wallet or Steem Wallet:

steemit 01.png

Then inside the wallet we click where the arrow signal

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Then we click on Power Up as indicated by the arrow

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And we will be enabled our last step as explained in the image

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My wallet After my First Power Up and Thank you very much for reading I love you Very much

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Achievement 1 :


Congratulations, This achievement task has been verified by the greeter team, please continue to the next achievement task.
Guide for writing the next Achievement Task:

Curators Note : Rate 2

Important for you:
I invite you to join #club5050 #club75 and #club100 by powering up steem from the rewards you get
You can read the steps to join here

Regards @heriadi

 2 years ago 

Hi, @armaa,

Your post has been supported by @heriadi from the Steem Greeter Team.


 2 years ago 

Hi @armaa ...
Welcome to steemit. After your 1st achievement task is verified by the greeter, I invite you to write in the Hot News Community with a news theme. You must put a verified achievement 1 link at the end of the post. Nice to meet you...




We Bring
"The Hot"
for The World


 2 years ago 

Hola, un gusto saludarte y a la vez darte la bienvenida a la plataforma.

Así como tu estas comenzando, nosotros también, somos una comunidad deportiva con ideas para relacionar todos los ámbitos de la vida diaria con la vida deportiva, con el lema de que cada participación es ganadora y de esta manara darte la oportunidad de generar steem paratu crecimiento.

Te invito a verificarte en la comunidad luego que sea aprobado tu logro 1, por aca te dejo enlaces de la comunidad @hive-197661 all-sports.

@hive-197661Presentación de la Comunidad all-sport dentro de Steemit. || Presentation of the all-sport community within Steemit.
@hive-197661Presentación de Equipo Inicial en all-sports || Initial Team Presentation in all-sports.
@hive-197661Primer Proceso de Verificación All-sports (20 steem) || First All-sports Verification Process (20 steem)

Nuestras moderadoras estarán listas para atenderte y guiarte.

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