in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

sxrtDb8EQTjHaxRNKnZUwA7Zki.png credit goes to @cryptokanon

Objective of this Task is :
Newcomers should have the concept of proof of brain
Newcomer should have a knowledge of creating and sharing original contents
Newcomers should follow the existing steem community etiquette

Proof of Brain concept is about how steemit appreciates users that create reasonable contents uses their brain and make it available to the public with a fee-loss digital token called steem.

What is Plagiarism?
Wikipedia defined plagiarism is the representation of another authors language, thoughts, ideas or expressions as ones original work.

Forms of Plagiarism
Direct Plagiarism
Mostly commonly, it involves adopting parts from the writing of another writer without proper mention of the source.

Mosaic Plagiarism
There is another type of plagiarism which is unintentional. the plagiarist may have mentioned the source But if he doesn't acknowledge the quoted part then the writer commits the crime of plagiarism.

It is one of the common types of plagiarism, where highschool students copy and paste part of their previously submitted academic paper.

Accidental Plagiarism
It is when the plagiarist misquotes the phrase or part of the text he has taken from the source material or does not cite the source, that is considered as plagiarism.
Why does Plagiarism matter
Reference should be given where due especially when the work is not yours. It is an acknowledgement of the author for his good works.

Reasons to avoid Plagiarisms
Difficulty in creating your own work when you will focus on paraphrasing someone else's work
Plagiarism will reduce your potential to what you can do with your brain
Plagiarism is intellectual theft

The steem community etiquette
I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace it.

My take on Plagiarism

lagiarism should be avoided at all costs. One shouldn't take credit for someone else's work as this is intellectual theft. When making a write up one should try as much as possible to ensure that his or her work is original. Other people's work should be referenced or sighted. This will serve as indication that that particular text is not your original work. It could be a picture from the internet or a research work. We must avoid all kinds of plagiarism as this does not help our proof of brain work. It kills creativity and discourages growth. So when we plagarise others work we are doing ourselves more harm than good. Thus it is essential as steemians we ensure that we avoid Plagiarisms. We should also apply this in real life situations. As long as growth and creativity is essential we must not plagarise. Plagiarism kills our spirit of thinking, it is a taint on our imagination. To move our community forward plagiarism must be stamped out. Credit should be given where due. Original content shows or expresses how creative one can be, this is what steemit was made for and this is why the fight against plagiarism must be upheld. Plagiarism is a killer of good contents, it encourages intellectual theft and it is unhealthy for our work as well as for our various steemit communities. So we should try as much as possible to avoid plagiarism, if we must put down something that's not ours proper referencing must be encouraged.



Edit this part of your achievement its coming under plagiarised content.


 3 years ago 

@sumit71428 I have corrected the mistake

 3 years ago 

I apologise for my mistake

You still need to add 200 words of your own (not citation) about plagiarism to be verified. You can add information about citation , its definition for reference you can check other posts as well but you have to be original.

 3 years ago 

@sumit71428 I have included 253 words of my own can I pls get my achievement 3 and achievement4 verified. Thanks for the corrections

Hi @arinzegod, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

task rate:3

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