Achievement 5 Task 1 by @alaminridoy||30-01-2022

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum How are you all. I hope everyone is well and healthy. Today I will discuss with you achievement 5 task 1. So let's get started.


Today I am discussing a website among you. The website is In the past I have learned a lot about this website from tutorials. This website is a major part of the development of new Steamite users themselves.Very important information is known to operate the account and to manage the account.Below I am explaining some things about this website. I hope the newcomers will be very helpful.




First I go to Google on my device and search by typing Then comes the website. Then I log in by clicking on sing in.


After singing in, I see a lot of tools there. A variety of tools.


Then I click on this tool called dashboard and get inside it. And by entering what I see.


The power to vote Default voting power is 100%. When you copy someone else's post or text and post it yourself, it will be reduced. It will be reduced by 2%. But then it will be filled again.But when I reach 500 SP, I will be able to adjust my vote. Now my vote is less, $ 0.00.


stats: Here are the statistics of my account.


Balance: In this option, I can fully balance my wallet and see how much steam or SBD my wallet has.


In addition, here I can know very well about my account details, followers, delegation, mentions, odars, market info, setting, all these.


In case of account management, it shows me how I managed the account in last 7 days.


Upcoming Writers Award: All I have to do is click on the refresh button. Then it will take some time to complete. After refreshing I can know my upcoming author award.And in the case of the forthcoming Curation Prize, we have to do the same.


Post Here will show me my last 7 days post. Any of these posts that I click on will take me to the base of the post that I posted.


Tools: In this option, the tools that are available are used to perform specific tasks, such as viewing delegate history, retrieving accounts.

Thanks everyone. I bother to read my post.


 2 years ago 

Hi, @alaminridoy,

Your post has been supported by @ashkhan from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

Tnx for your support

 2 years ago 

Brother, who will see this achievement of mine or not? Why can't I get any The answer?

 2 years ago (edited)

Congratulations your achievement has been verified. Now you can successfully proceed to your next achievement.

Rate: 2

 2 years ago 

Tnx u so mach

 2 years ago 

Brother, who will see this achievement of mine or not? Why can't I get any The answer?

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