Achievement 3 by @ahsaniqbal Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello! Steemitan I hope all of you guys are well. This is my Achievement 3 Task: Content Etiquette.


In simple words, Plagiarism is like taking credit of others. Or Plagiarism is like taking their things without any permission. When we copy a paragraph from the Internet, Even if we change it a little, this is also known as plagiarism. When we write an article, we have to write it with our mind in mind. If we don't do that, we pick up a little bit of someone's writing and pick up a little bit of our own, called as plagiarism.

Types of Plagiarism.

  • Copy Image, words or idea of others without any permission.
  • Using other ideas and get credit.
  • Using paragraph of someone in your article without any permission and without giving any source link.

Complete Plagiarism

Complete Plagiarism is like copy all the material of others and paste your article or your assignment.

Direct Plagiarism

When an Author copy quotes or any text material of another Author without giving any quotations or any source, this is knows as direct plagiarism. It is also complete plagiarism.

Accidental Plagiarism

When you write an article, you want to write at your own words sometimes you read the articles of another person for research purposes, but you did not create your own story, and you write those stories.

How to avoid Plagiarism

  • When you copy, paste any text, then you put link or double quotations.
  • Give credit to original content creator.
  • Give the original content, do not copy of others.
  • When you complete the article, you should go to check in plagiarism checker website to remove plagiarism.

Citation method

Citation is the way that you tell the reader of the book that material actually is come from another place(Arthur). When we use citation, we write text in double quotations. Or we give the link of the original platform. Every thing you copy/paste, you will write on double quotation or > mark down.


“Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians.”source

The heart is like a mirror. Do not prevent it from being broken. It’s breakage is more dearer in the sight of its maker [Allah], than its safety. Almighty Allah being indeed the Maker source

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

 3 years ago 

Hi @ahsaniqbal,
You have been successfully verified by amjadsharif, you can further proceed to next Achievement Task

Rate: 2

Please more details like how plagiarism can be avoided or definition of citation and a citation example

 3 years ago 

okay, you can check it now. Thank you

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Content etiquette is a deep subject, you should explore more on this topic.

By the way, I would like to invite you to join our Steem Tech & Gadgets community. We all will work together for success and support each other.


 3 years ago 

yeah why not

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