Topic of the week №46 // How do I prepare for the New Year?


How do I prepare for the New Year?

The hands of the clock are ticking steadily, they are not waiting for me, the countdown to the end of the year is getting shorter and shorter, 13 days and counting, while I am in the clouds, I have not realised that it is Christmas and that I must receive it with dishes and chocolates, I have two options, either I run or the year 2022 is going to arrive without being received as it deserves.

So I have decided to receive this new year in the best way, the main thing is to clean and fix the house, throw away what is not useful, fix the garden and the front of the house, I must make a house of my own for the little dog.



I have to set aside two days of my time to make the dishes that we are going to eat from the 24th, just thinking about making the hallacas hurts my back, they are very laborious, but at the same time very tasty, so I have to prepare myself mentally because I am the official chef this Christmas at home, yes, they name me the chef so that I feel important and cook because nobody wants the position of chef in the house, everyone runs away so as not to cook.



I should buy some clothes to receive the year as it should be, brand new, this in my country is an odyssey, the huge queues to buy, the prices, let's not talk about the prices because my pocket gets scared, I hope to get out of this task with flying colours.



A change of look would not be bad to start the year off on the right foot, I want a look that not even my mother recognises me hahahaha, but as I always ask her who I am and I always lose, mother is mother, hahaha.

These are my plans I have, and the clock is ticking tick tick tick tick tick....

Thanks to @slon21veka for reminding us of our new year's plans, Happy New Year, invite @arau, @jack0.



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