Contest // Topic of the week №49 // My plans for 2022!

A new year full of opportunities, 360 days I have ahead of me to work with all my enthusiasm to fulfil my dreams, I know that if I try harder one day I will get the fruits of my labour.



I have many goals this year, my head was given to fulfill dreams that are almost impossible but well dreaming does not cost anything, I will work very hard to see if those crazy dreams that got into my head are fulfilled, although today I will share with you only the goals that I know I can accomplish.


My main goal this year is to buy my own house, I don't care if I have to work 20 hours a day the 360 days of the year to achieve it, I will do it, I also hope for the help of the heavens so that everything goes well for me.

Health is also my priority this year because the years do not pass in vain, so a healthy diet and physical activity will be my priority, accompanied by a change of appearance.

This year I want to dedicate myself to the spiritual, reading and learning about God is necessary for me this year.

I want to study again, I am nostalgic for my student days, I want to study a short degree but I don't know which one, I seem immature in this but there is so much to study that choosing just one degree is stressful.

I'm seriously thinking about leaving my classroom to become a digital nomad and be able to work anywhere, teaching keeps me in one country and I want to change this, I'm back to my crazy dream hahahaha.

Life has taught me that we need money to fulfill dreams so this year I am focused on this, I need to get a job that will help me to have more economic freedom, I am actively looking for it because time is life and giving my life without getting an economic benefit is tenacious.


Well friends these are the proposed goals for this year, there are others out there but they are very idealistic hahahahahah, so let's leave it up to here.

Many thanks to @slon21veka for this excellent initiative hoping in God that all our dreams come true. See you in a future post.

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