Competition // Theme of the week № 33 // The dearest thing to me is: My mobile phone

Hello, I start my post presenting you the object that I love the most, my mobile phone, it has accompanied me everywhere, with it I can communicate with the people I love the most and also with those I don't love so much hahaha, my mobile phone has been a tool not only for work, it has also been my communication and fun tools.

The most dear to me is.jpg

With this mobile phone I have been a photographer, I have talked to my students and received their assignments through the WhatsApp and Telegram app, I have surfed the internet, I have made most of the posts for Steemit, I have seen my Chinese novels, I have listened to music, it has woken me up every day with its alarm, with it I write down reminders in the notebook, the shopping list, I have used it as a torch when the lights go out, in short my most precious object, it is multipurpose and it has simplified my life.


Although I am not addicted to the mobile phone and I can live without it, I can't deny that this technology is definitely a great tool that makes my life easier, that's why it is my most precious item so far.

I started in Steemit through my mobile phone and many of my posts were made through my mobile phone, of course I hope to buy another more powerful mobile phone to improve the quality of my pictures and have more battery time but so far this phone has been a necessary and useful tool for me.

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I thank @slon21veka for the creation of this contest, I encourage @lilip and @arau to tell us about their most precious object, if you want to participate I leave you the link of the contest below:

Link del concurso

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The photographs are my own taken with my brother's Alcatel Tetra phone.

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What would our lives be like if they hadn't invented the mobile phone.

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Hola amiga, gracias por la invitación.

Современные технологии очень ценны для каждого из нас!

El celular es un objeto indispensable, buena respuesta

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