How do I prepare for the new year

Hi everyone, I hope you’re fine. All thanks to @slon21veka for this contest.
Investigate 2016. Sort out what worked, didn't work, didn't go as arranged, could've been somewhat unique, might have been enhanced, abandoned, created, and obliterated. Evaluate this year completely and permit that appraisal to illuminate how you push ahead.

Kick Hindering Habits
Look yourself in the mirror and recognize this: on the off chance that it isn't adding to you, it is taking away from you. At the present time, right now, is the opportunity to let negative quirks go. There is no compelling reason to clutch whatever hasn't been an unmistakable expansion to your vocation, soul, or ledger. Release it.

Clean Your Home
You might have run over a couple of New Year offbeat in your time that recommends that a Happy New Year depends on the tidiness of your home. Not certain in the event that this is valid. Absolutely certain that clean spaces take into consideration the important chance to think plainly, unwind easily, and plan as needs be. Wash your garments, clean under your bed, clear out the refrigerator and welcome the New Year new, clean, and restored.


Vision Board
This is the place where you map out your 2017 plans. Think beyond practical boundaries, look all over, reach as high as possible and put everything on your vision board. Setting up a dream board assists you with getting sorted out your considerations, dreams, and wants while investigating everything, outwardly, in one spot. It is contended that vision sheets oblige the law of fascination by telling the universe where your sight is set consequently presenting to you somewhat nearer to where you might want to be. Give it a shot
I invite @jemilatu and @abdul-hanan to join this contest.
Thanks for reading.

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