How do I associate January with?

Hello good evening to you all. How are you all doing today. I hope you are doing good. Thank you @slon21veka for this contest.



January was named for the Roman god Janus, known as the defender of entryways and entryways who represent beginnings and endings. Janus is portrayed with two faces, one investigating the past, the other with the capacity to see into what's to come.

January is a colder time of year month in the northern portion of the world and a late spring month in the southern half. It is named after the Roman lord of fresh starts, Janus. The Roman god Janus (or Ianus) investigates the past and into what's to come.

New Year's obviously then, loads of food, making vows to be the best individual ever and anticipating the new year. Gracious, it's January. Christmas is finished; was fun while it kept going. Presently, we have another year. Not exclusively is my birthday on the twelfth, however my birthstone is garnet, and I may get one for a present. A ring, or jewelry, or a wristband, perhaps.

Last year it was a photo placement, with a garnet heart holding tight the corner. It's continuously snowing here, in January. I've, truth be told, generally expect it on my birthday. Excellent, white, serene snow. I would be very astounded in the event that I didn't make the outing, seventy miles up, to the ski stop. Sliding down the enormous slope on inward cylinders is an uproar. Then, at that point, inside by the enormous chimney, for hot cocoa with whipped cream.

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