#Steembruschool// Week #2 by @sikan-eyen


@slon21veka and the #Steem-BRU community wholly

I bring you greetings from Africa!!!

Today's topic in our #steembruschoool in the cryptoacademy, I'll teaching on the following to my own views and knowledge:

⚜Blockchain & its types

⚜Bank or cryptocurrency & why?

⚜Mining & staking


Blockchain & Types...

A BLOCKCHAIN as we all know are records being connected into blocks. Each block bearing track down information.

Primarily, there are two (2) major types of blockchains. THE PUBLIC BLOCKCHAIN and THE PRIVATE BLOCKCHAIN . Other types existing include: Consortium blockchain and Hybrid blockchain.


Everyone can take part in the public blockchain network. No restrictions , no holdups, no permissions, purely decentralized just like this amazing platform we all steem with; STEEMIT.


The private blockchain on the otherhand is the opposite of the private blockchain though it is still decentralized. It requires permission and is often restricted, used mostly by large firms.

________________________________________They have dual blockchain features. I.e having both public / private blockchain characteristics. This network is secure and very reliable.


This blockchain possess dual characteristics. The hybrid blockchain is highly secured, speed enhanced in swiftness and transactions.

Bank or Crypto!!

For me, it will always be cryptocurrency anyday, anytime. Cryptocurrency is less bias, secure and they are also much reliable, all thanks to special personal passwords which make them individualized and away from 3rd-parties involvement
Banks doesn't give this privileges and most times, we are unaware of what transpires in our account on a day-to-day basis which is solely on other human interferences.

And it is not secure as much as they want us to believe, so it is CRYPTO for Me!!!

Mining or Staking

Well, i'd go for mining. It puts my heart at ease than having to deal with losses because of the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency which may hike to the highest hmmmmmn, very advantageous...or fall like jericho ha-ha. No buying and holding for me.

T for Thanks.


My friends do partake

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 59112.75
ETH 2519.48
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47