Topic of the week; week 47, 2021 was for me... by @shance-light

Merry Christmas fellow steemians, hope we are fully prepared and enjoying the day already. Thanks to @slon21veka for organizing this contest which gives us the opportunity to summarize our 2021 experiences.

2021 was for me "a lesson "

Theres a saying that "experience is the best teacher".
While in school i was taught by teachers, they gave notes before setting exams but in the real life itself, it gives you exam before you learn from it, i will give some few senarior why life in 2021 was a lesson

  • 2021 is the first year after graduation
    This year is my first year after graduation, and in this part of the world graduation isnt a guarantee for employment, though i graduated as one of the best students, there aren't reasonable jobs. Leaving from the dependency life on family to an independent life on yourself, wasnt an easy task. No one seems to understand you after the tittle "graduate " has been added to your name. This has taught me to appreciate little efforts made by others. They mostly sacrifice from what they are ending to give because in most cases, what they earned cannot sustain their life or household.


  • Business ventures: as a post graduate, it was normal to think about other methods of income and unfortunately after investing it was a scam. I lost the highest amount of money compared to other years. This has taught me to trust less and investigate more, i don't criticize unless am sure. This has also helped me to scrutinise what takes my time and money.

  • To act without expecting appreciation
    Working and giving out your best without appreciation is painful but we also feel betrayed if our expectations were high. I have learnt not to sacrifice for others at my own detriment. This has taught me to set priorities and never expect anything as an appreciation in return.

  • managing my finance and space
    Just like the first reason above, having just a single mini income without expecting from anyone is difficult, while in school, u can lied about being sick, but you cant lie to yourself, this has taught me to be honest and better managed my resorces.

  • To move on when there is a need
    At times we hold on to situations and past for too long, we behave as if without a particular aspect of our lives we wont exist. Thus i learnt to move on.

  • Hope
    2021 has ignited the feeling of hope , because no matter the firsthand experiences that i had, God is till there, this gives me hope that my tomorrow must be greater than today.
    hopes for a better tomorrow

With the above reasons, this made me say 2021 was for me a lesson which was learned from my own experiences. I pray 2022 will be better.

Merry Christmas and happy new year in advance.
Thanks for reading.
Am inviting @graciella @praiz9

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