What is your Favourite Number?... A topic of the Week Entry

What is the perfect number?

Some people say it is 10, others say it is 1. But is there really a perfect number?

Forgive me if I digress. i know that the topic refers to a favourite number, and not a perfect number. But I cannot help but wonder... Could there be one single number which is perfect in all sense of the word?

Personally, I think the answer is subjective. And it is that subjectivity that gives rise to what we refer to as our favourite numbers.

Walk with me a bit, as I tell you about mine...


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I have always loved even numbers from childhood. I really cannot point out why I do, or why they appeal to me. I just know that I love the idea that they can all be divided into two equal halves. Maybe that is the reason, who knows?

I used to do the traditional doubling of numbers as a child... 2+2, 4+4, 8+8, and so on... I only ever used to stop at 2056, and then I probably would start again, or just stop entirely. Odd numbers never attracted me, and I never could figure out why either...

At an older age, I once thought about how the word odd rhymed with God, and the word even rhymed with evil... Funny right? It made me think at some point if I had chosen the right set of numbers to fall in love with. But who is to tell. They are just numbers, no?


Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

As you must have guessed, I had a favourite amongst all the even numbers... That is the number eight. I am not sure why I picked that particular number, or why it appeals to me more amongst all the evn numbers. But I know that number 8 is the number that quickly comes to mind whenever I am required to pick a number randomly.

So there you have it...

My favourite number. What's yours?

Thanks for stopping by.

Cc: @slon21veka


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