Gaming - Early mornings & Late Nights (A Topic of the Week Entry)

Do you have a hobby?

I mean one that you really do enjoy, and not just that, but you also have excess fun engaging in? One that you can do and do, and do all day without feeling the slightest bit of exhaustion, or a desire to stop?

Well, I do, and I believe that most of us also do. This post would attempt as best as possible to explain what that activity is for me, and why it is an activity that can give me the earliest of mornings, and still keep me up as late as possible at night.

First though, cheers to the wonderful @slon21veka for this week's topic. You can also join in here if you so desire, and write about yours too.

Without further ado then, let's dive right into it...


Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

As you must have guessed, my favourite activity, or better put, the activity with the most possibility of keeping me up at night, and awake quite early in the morning... Is playing video games.

Now, you must note that there are of course other activities which may for one reason or the other, keep me up at night, or wake me early in the morning. However, gaming is one activity that will yield that from me willingly. I would voluntarily decide to play football on my ps3 all night, but I would in-voluntarily stay up to finish a work related task. You definitely understand the difference by now.

Anyways, what is your favourite activity? And if you love games, which one do you love best? Personally, mine is FM by SEGA, popularly known as Football Manager. I can play that game for days on end.

And that's it!

Thanks for stopping by as usual.

Stay happy, and stay safe!


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