A Letter to Myself in 2036...

in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)3 years ago (edited)

About Three years ago, I wrote a letter to my younger self. I wrote it in a form of poetry, and I loved it.

Today, as directed by the lovely @slon21veka in his now famous Contest of the Week, I intend to write a letter to my older, future self. The person I would become in 2036...

Please enjoy...


Dear older self,
These are the words of you, only a while ago...
I am not sure exactly what to say or write,
But these are words of hope, that much I know...

I hope you are not dead..
I hope each morning still finds you, healthily awake on our bed...

But then life is fickle...
Who are we to say?
But I hope if you did die, it was not in any ordinary way...
But that you lived and loved...
More than just a little...

For me, For you...
For us two...

Oh dear older self,
These words do hurt to write,
I only hope that when you read them, it brings you love and light...

And that when our paths would cross,
You'd have lived most of our dreams,
And though I do not know, that which the future brings...
I pray it is way much better, in twenty thirty six...

Yourself ❤️❤️


Thanks for stopping by...





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