


Its good to be back here, and i sincerely appreciate you all wherever you may be right now. Greetings to @slon21veka for always hosting interesting contest. And this weeks contest is "what does a close friend mean to you".


Having friends can be very interesting especially when you have good friends. I always love making friends and anywhere i go to i try to make friends. Some people say am friendly thats why i easily make friends.

who then is a close friend?

Alot of people may have their different views about who a close friend is but right now i want to tell you who i think a close friend is. A close friend is a person you feel comfortable with and can talk about just anything with him or her without fear of been insulted,mocked or shamed.

A close friend is a person who you can confide in with any secret and not be afraid to hear it outside. That close friend is a person you could call anytime of the day and be sure that you would get a response.

Growing up i made some close friends and with time they became my sisters. Remember the first close friend i had was when i was 13years old. We attended same school although not in same class. After school, we would walk home instead of entering a bus because we just loved to talk and we enjoyed our company together. She would follow me home and remain there until evening. Her parents will practically come to our house to drag her home.

When i got into the university i made another close friend. She became my best friend. We were room mate during my school days and after we graduated we rented an apartment together in other to live together. We cooked and ate together. I was like her hand bag. Right now she is married.


And recently i made another close friend here on steemit. Amazing personality i must say. We talk, gist and laugh together. Although we dont even live in the same city but trust me it feels like it.

Now you see, a close friend is that one person you dont get tired of talking with. Your spouse could be your close friend, your parent could be your close friend, just think about that person you love and you just cant wait to speak to everyday.

My close friends are my best friends and i cherish them alot.

Thanks for reading...


Всё верно!

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