
Hello Everyone

I hope you are all doing well? Am always excited writing here. I thank the host of this beautiful contest @slon21veka. He always comes up with amazing contest themes.. Seat back and enjoy my entry.

Who Controls the house hold budget?

my mum and siblings

My family consist of my mother, father and 4siblings. And while growing up, there were so many financial biles to pay, ranging from school fees, school uniform, text books, feeding, rent, electricity biles, clothing and the rest.

Mum and Dad worked so hard to give us the best life at that time. Mum is very frugal, she loves to save, infact mum helps Dad to manage his money well and better.

Dad took care of most of the family budget while mum just supported. But the budget was mainly on Dad. Mum handled the house hold needs.

Today i no longer live with my parents, i moved out of the house and city where my parents stay immediately i gained admission into the university. Infact i leant to fend for myself. I remember i had to take up a part time job while schooling not because my parents would not support me but because i was learning to be responsible for my budget. I have graduated from school and i live alone and totally responsible for all my budgets. Its no longer an issues doing so because i learnt early to be my own boss. So in general i am in charge of all my budgets..sometimes it can very huge because responsibilities keeps growing and you have to take care of it. I have a lot of biles ranging from house rent, transportation, clothing, feeding, medicals, electricity bile. So numerous to count. But its been amazing!

Thank you for reading..

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