I welcome you all back to my blog, its always a pleasure posting here at @steem-BRU. I also appreciate @slon21veka for hosting this contest. Thank you.

The contest topic for this week is what do you think is the most disgusting thing in the world
Seat back as i share with you my thought about this topic.



Growing up as a child i findout some things disgust me and now when i think about those things now, sometimes i just laugh about it. Such things that disgusted me includes: sharing my cups with other people. If i noticed someone used my cup i wont use that cup again. Another is sleeping on the same bed with people.

Every one is entitled to what they feel is the most disgusting thing in the world. For me i have alot of things that disgust me and they include: Dirty environment, mouth odour, Body odour. The sight of some insects and worms can be very disgusting to me.

For the sake of this contest what i think is the most disgusting thing in the world for me is The sound made when a person with an itchy throat tries to scratch the throat

Ouch!! I cant stand the sound made from that..
I can even leave that environment until the person is done. When that sound is made most of the time, it gives me goose bombs on my skin.

One day i was with a fellow who is so fond of making such sound, so i decided to ask him why do you always do this? Dont you know is disgusting? and he said to me I feel as if something is in my ears and it is affecting my throat so since i can put my hands into my ears, i just try to scratch my throat using my mouth so it makes this sound i didnt say much to him i just left.

Sometimes i feel that can become a bad habit so to people who engage in it. I cant stand it. I believe there are remedies to the feeling of throat or ear itching rather than this method of making disgusting sound.

So this is what i think is the most disgusting thing in the world.

Thank you for reading




@ruthjoe good contest content you have here. I'm @chrisdsteemsport the founder of Steem Ville Community. Please do not be offended, I would like to speak with you privatley, maybe on WhatsApp 08064207292.

Thanks for your understanding

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