My internet dating experience!

Hello, friends of Steem network and @hive-171319 community, I’m glad to share with you again on this topic of the week.



The internet or social media has been good for many people especially when it comes to real life relationships, many made good friends through it where they were introduced to a lot which help them learn more.

But come to talk of it some has found their partners there abs even got married, living a beautiful happy life together, isn’t this amazing lol.

This has been so real and I can testify that about more than 50% of the world especially the youth has engaged in this but many never come to success.

Actually I’ve been a victim for the past years, why because sometimes there’s some kind of peer pressure as well a kind of feeling for the opposite sex but you can’t approach, lol, very embarrassing 😂😂😂.

There was time I was eager to fall in love because I could see my friends doing it but the boy can’t just approach a girl, so I had a second thought, which was about the internet dating, you know there are bunch of people online and you can just choose to text who ever you want if only they will reply.


So I had my Facebook account then in 2014, I went on there and was adding up girls, OMG 😂😂, few days time I met a girl from Accra, the capital of Ghana, this is the boring part, because I live in the north and she in the south.

So we started about few weeks to a month I go tired and I asked her for a break because I couldn’t handle the distance 😂, but guess what after few years, I contacted her again she was in another relationship, I was like “what? But I asked for a little break not breakup”, so it means she couldn’t just wait for me, we both was tired.😂😂

I went to Accra last year to meet her but still after we met and talk for a while, boom we didn’t even know what came between us and we stopped talking again, it’s this 2022 which brought us back together again but as friends 😂.



Internet dating isn’t a bad thing because you can meet the right person there but mind you, be careful of who you meet on there because many are not what they are but just imposters.

Thank you all for going through this post, guess it was interesting right, just some past life story.

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