Contest // Topic of the week №50 // My internet dating experience!


The fun part about online dating is supposed to be that you can talk to someone cities away without actually seeing them in person.

It is assumed.

So I'm talking to this girl who lives more than seven hours away and we have certain tastes in common, she kept talking about leaving home and not putting up with her parents, I was just listening to her and trying not to get involved. in the matter.

So one day, boom!
She shows up at my door!
😳😳 Turns out she asked a mutual friend for my address and she ran away from her house.

My family saw me as if I was crazy, but I didn't invite her, obviously I couldn't leave her on the street so I let her in, we shared a weekend and then after a lot of insistence we managed to convince her to return to her house.

Seriously, I still don't quite understand how all this happened.

I guess you have to be careful with online dating and also with the personal information you give out.

Be very careful ❤️

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